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Hope's Haven began as a dream. A televised news story about a case of obscene animal abuse broke our hearts. Video from the scene taken after authorities seized possession of the animals revealed several deceased and emaciated dogs. Of the dogs still alive only two were determined to have any chance of survival. Marsha called the humane society where the dogs had been taken and asked if a terribly emaciated Doberman that was on the news cast could be held for her to adopt if she survived. The care givers at the shelter named the Doberman Hope. Hope's life had been one of being chained inside of a barn and forced to have litter after litter of puppies, all while rarely seeing the light of day. Although Hope never did fully recover she did indeed survive and lived with us for almost thirteen months before she died. Hope's Haven is a tribute to her and to all innocent dogs that have had their trust betrayed by unworthy guardians. Hope's Haven now focuses on rescuing Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes in need. Although these are our breeds of focus, Hope's Haven will never turn away a dog in need. We love dogs of all breed and believe that any homeless animal deserves a second chance. Hope's Haven is devoted to giving these dogs the precious time they need to find their perfect new home. In addition to being a safe Haven for dogs looking for a new home, Hope's Haven is also a sanctuary for senior and special needs dogs that are looking for a safe quiet happy place to live out their golden years. So many dogs in their plus years are found homeless and are not candidates for adoption - these beauties live their life at Hope's Haven.
11840 Jerusalem Hill Road NW, Salem OR US 97304 Ph:(503)868-7155
http://www.hopeshaven.net Email: mskla@msn.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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