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Org # 311 AdvocacyFosterHomes

R.A.I.N. (Rescuing Animals In Need)

R.A.I.N. is a very small, non-profit organization dedicated to abused, injured, elderly and forgotten cats who are cast aside due to chronic health/emotional problems,severe trauma and lack of understanding & desperately need our help. R.A.I.N.'s independant caretakers are dedicated to providing only the best possible in care, love, nutrition, and adoption in the Richmond,Virginia area. R.A.I.N. strives to educate and assist in helping cats and dogs and the people who love them, that it takes all of us together to make a world for all creatures and that it is our job as people to do the very best we can for our beloved animal family as well as our human one.
PO Box 217, Highland Springs VA US 23075 Ph:(804)747-1155 Email:
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