Our Shih Tzu can come from a variety of situations... We get dogs out of Shelters, owner turn-ins, dogs found running loose, dogs who are abandoned because of their owners death...etc. Rather than leave these dogs to die in a shelter, we take them in and address their needs. We will treat any medical condition the dog has. Then we spay and/or neuter every dog (no exceptions), bring him or her current on all shots, and begin it on heartworm and flea protection. The dog is bathed, groomed, and put into a foster home for evaluation. Each dog stays in their foster home until they are adopted.
, St Louis MO US 63146
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH607.html Email: Kimark7@aol.com Email2: SteveC1915@aol.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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