We are here to find good homes for samoyeds that wound up in a bad situation. The dogs we have for placement come from a variety of backgrounds, whether it be rescued from a Humane Society, surrendered from an owner who no longer wants the dog, discovered abandonded, etc. We get a variety of dogs here, male and female, young and old.
All of these dogs need a stable home--someone who is willing to make the commitment to caring for these dogs. Some dogs will will adjust very quickly to new owners; others will take several years to develop a sense of trust. Our goal is to match a dog to the personality and lifestyle of its new owners to minimize the time it will take for the dog and its new owners to bond. Please keep in mind that because of the variety of places these dogs come from, we can not make any guarantees about how well a given dog will adapt to a new home.
PO Box 128, Milwaukee WI US 53201 Ph:(262)821-0569
http://www.samoyed-rescue.com Email: samrescue@execpc.com Email2: llasee@tznet.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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