411 Canna Dr., Lake Jackson TX US 77566 Ph: 9792852340
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX571.html Email: regina_serna@spcabc.org
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1201 S. 4th, LaPorte TX US 77571 Ph: 2814713811
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX645.html Email: moorem@ci.la-porte.tx.us
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BCRT is a volunteer non-profit organization which accepts Border Collies from owners, shelters, and other rescuers. Some rescues are pedigreed, some look and act purebred but have no verification, a few are known BC mixes. Rescues are 1 to 3 years old, on average, but we do receive puppies and seniors on occasion. All BCRT listed dogs are spayed or neutered, fully vaccinated and heartworm free and on preventive. Due to the recent increase of incoming dogs with Hip Dysplasia, we have elected to include a veterinary screening for this with all of our dogs. Adoption fees and completed applications are required.
PO Box 1338, La Porte TX US 77572
http://www.bcrescuetexas.org Email: samarai12344@yahoo.com
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It is the mission of Animal control to provide protection and service to all of the citizens of our community. Our mission is to end all unnecessary euthanasia, to educate towards humane and responsible pet ownership, and to enforce the state and city ordinances. Our mission will be guided by the values of our department, which we categorize under the headings of service to our community, integrity, responsibility/accountability, professionalism, and pride in, and enjoyment of our profession.
821North Kansas St, League City TX US 77573 Ph: 2815541377Fax: 2815541379
http://www.leaguecityanimalshelter.com/reportcruelty.htm Email: ssouter@leaguecity.com
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Recycled Canines Dalmatian Rescue is officially an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are dedicated to saving the lives of the many homeless Dalmatians around Houston, Texas. However, we usually have a few canines without spots as well. Our mission is to take dogs from shelters, as strays, or from owners that can no longer care for them and provide them with indoor shelter, high quality food, water, microchipping, spaying/neutering, vaccinations, training, exercise, socialization, and lots of TLC. Once we deem the dog ready for a new home, we seek permanent homes for them with people that have filled out an application and have been screened for eligibility
, League City TX US 77573
http://www.recycledcanines.org Email: dalrescue123@hotmail.com
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We are dedicated to saving the lives of the many homeless Dalmatians around Houston, Texas. However, we usually have a few canines without spots as well. Our mission is to take dogs from shelters, as strays, or from owners that can no longer care for them and provide them with indoor shelter, high quality food, water, microchipping, spaying/neutering, vaccinations, training, exercise, socialization, and lots of TLC.
, League City TX US 77573
http://www.recycledcanines.org Email: dalrescue123@hotmail.com
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We are a small rescue in League City. All of our animals have lived indoors in foster care since they were born and been treated like one of the family. All of our adoptable pets have had veterinary care, have good dispositions, and have spent time with children, other cats and dogs.
, League City TX US 77573
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX1129.html Email: mjparise@gmail.com
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Second Chance Pets is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. We do not have a shelter; instead, all our animals are kept in foster homes until they are adopted. All the animals in the program are checked and, if necessary, treated by a veterinarian, receive all necessary shots, and are spayed or neutered.
PO Box 1216, League City TX US 77574 Ph: 2812863535
http://www.secondchancepets.org Email: scp@pdq.net
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Finally Home Pet Rescue is a non-profit, completely volunteer run, no kill foster home based rescue league.
PO Box 1588, League City TX US 77574 Ph: 2815572344
http://www.finallyhomepetrescue.org Email: info@finallyhomepetrescue.org
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NABS is a non-progit ,501c3 animal rescue group to assist senior animals as well as the senior citizen with their companion animal, to help them meet their pet's needs and to find a home for those left homeless.
PO Box 307, Liverpool TX US 77577 Ph: 2813305238Fax: 6103005238
http://www.nabs-tx.com Email: mabstx2004@aol.com
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