Dal-Savers Dalmatian Rescue, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ALL VOLUNTEER rescue organization dedicated to rescuing and adopting homeless Dalmatians into loving homes. We service Wisconsin and Illinois.
PO Box 090151, Milwaukee WI US 53209 Ph: 4142979210
http://www.dalrescue.net Email: LoveADal@yahoo.com
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Maintaining homeless Mastiffs is an expensive proposition. Since Mastiffs are classified as a giant breed, most of the normal expenses associated with caring for a dog are great due to the sheer size of the animal. For example, medications must be issued in great strengths, food and supplements are consumed in larger quantities and at great rates, surgical costs can total into the thousands of dollars and containment systems are larger and more costly, all due to the size of this breed of dog. Dovetailing with the above is the increased popularity of this breed with the public. Annually, hundreds of families obtain this kind of dog with little or no knowledge of the breed, the costs involved in maintaining such an animal or it the proper care and training that are necessary to successfully keep a Mastiff. The result is an alarming increase in the number of Mastiffs which are mistreated, neglected, abused and/or abandoned by their owners.
6910 N Rockledge, Milwaukee WI US 53209 Ph: 4145404091Fax: 4145406279
http://www.mastiffrescue.org/main.htm Email: oldbailey@ameritech.net
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The Ferret Den is dedicated to the rescue of unwanted and abandoned ferrets from owners, humane societies and all other sources, in order that they may be placed in new homes if after evaluation they are determined to be adoptable. We will provide for those animals which are received but after evaluation are deemed not adoptable. Ferrets adopted through us will be pets and will never be used for breeding or for experimental purposes under any circumstances. Ferrets will, after all instances, be spayed or neutered prior to adoption if the animal was not previously spayed or neutered. New owners will be asked to sign an adoption agreement which will spell out specific conditions of adoption before adoption is permitted. Adoption fees are dependent upon the age and health of the ferret. All ferrets adopted out will be as healthy as possible and with all shots up to date.
53214 Ph: 4145453987
http://www.theferretden.com Email: ferretden@wi.rr.com
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The purpose of MADACC is to provide: shelter, care and disposition of stray dogs and cats, the search and recovery of lost pets, county quarantine services of biter animals for rabies observation, REFERRAL services for wildlife problems, and to promote responsible pet ownership through client education and the licensing of dogs and cats. To accomplish these goals, MADACC utilizes a variety of resources through networking and coordination with metropolitan area humane societies. Adoption referral extends far beyond the immediate area of Milwaukee County allowing for permanent animal placements with breed rescue groups, exotic animal specialists, wildlife sanctuaries, and wildlife preservation refuges and zoos. For the health and safety of the public, MADACC will not authorize the release, to a breed placement group or a humane society, of any animal that has a history of incident resulting in bite attack or has any known aggressive tendencies.
3839 West Burnham Street, West Milwaukee WI US 53215 Ph: 4146498640Fax: 4146498651
http://www.madacc.com Email: amy@hawspets.org
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Vet OnSite
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We're a 501c3 non-profit organization that works with MADACC to rehome
unclaimed strays brought to that facility from throughout Milwaukee County. Cats may be viewed at any time during adoption center hours (call for specific hours of operation); other animals (dogs, rabbits, etc.) are viewed by appointment only.
3839 W. Burnham St, Milwaukee WI US 53215 Ph: 4149750344
http://www.satelliteadoptioncenter.petfinder.com Email: amy@hawspets.org
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cat for adoption
3400 S. 15th St, Milwaukee WI US 53215 Ph: 4143834241
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI295.html Email: karpenkatz@sbcglobal.net
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dogs for adoption
, Milwaukee WI US 53217 Ph: 4143514646
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI144.html Email: Jackpack8@aol.com
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We Believe That The German Shorthaired Pointer Is A Special Breed With Special Needs, Which Are Sometimes Overlooked By People When Purchasing A Dog. We Are Quite Fond Of This Breed And Screen All Prospective Adopters To Find These Lost Dogs A Great Home. We Want To Work With Adopters And Agencies To Try And Make Sure No German Shorthairs Are Left In Shelters Or Are Put Down For Any Reasons At All.
2116 S. 70th St, Milwaukee WI US 53219 Ph: 4146145102
http://www.wgspr.com Email: wgsprinfo@yahoo.com
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Happy Endings provides a safe haven for feral, stray, abused, neglected and or critically injured animals. We nurse those who are sick back to health and provide a home for all animals until they are ready to be adopted. No animal is ever euthanized by Happy Endings for convenience sake, but, only when, in a veterinarian's professional opinion is in a state of terminal suffering. All of our adult animals are spayed and/or neutered before they are adopted. We currently adopt out an average of 30 animals per month.
5349 Forest Home Avenue, Milwaukee WI US 53220 Ph: 4147443287
http://www.happyendings.us Email: happyend@execpc.com
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For Cat's Sake! Rescue is an all volunteer, non-profit, no-kill organization dedicated to rescuing homeless and abandoned cats and kittens. We do not have a physical shelter, but rather a network of caring, qualified foster homes. We provide our cats with veterinary care, spays and neuters, loving foster homes and finally adopt them into permanent homes. To date we have rescued over 1,200 cats and kittens.
Our mission further includes initiatives that help educate the public about pet over-population, spaying and neutering, the disadvantages of declawing kittens and cats, how to live a long and healthy life with your feline friend, and dealing with behavioral and other issues.
PO Box 210361, Greenfield WI US 53221 Ph: 4142561350
http://www.forcatssake.org Email: fcsrescue@yahoo.com
 Cats |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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