2217 E Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach FL US 33062 Ph: 9543832261
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/FL524.html Email: jbeeson@bellsouth.net
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We are a group of volunteers who wanted to have a no-kill organization with the goals of placimg the needs of unwanted animals first - including their medical needs, fostering and adoption into a permanent "forever" home.
Pompano Beach, Pompano Beach FL US 33064 Ph: 9549435455
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/FL731.html Email: FLLDIVER@AOL.COM
 Cats |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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We are a small unit with the Coral Springs Police Dept. All animals picked up are strays or running at large with no form of ID. We post their pictures in hopes of reuniting them with their owners. WE DO NOT DO ADOPTIONS. We work closely with rescue groups on all unclaimed animals. If you are interested in any of our animals, please email us, and if the animal is unclaimed and goes to a rescue group we will forward your information to the appropriate group and also email you their information.
4130 Nw 121 Ave, Coral Springs FL US 33065 Ph: 9543464422
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/FL352.html Email: cspdhumane@coralsprings.org
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Org # 12992 |
Zip=33066 | Shelter |
The Broward Ferret Rescue was founded in 2000 by Karen Riley and Dona Michaels. Based out of their homes, it remains a small no kill ferret shelter. In 2003, Karen had to leave the shelter leaving Dona as the soul head. This task could not have fallen on greater shoulders. Still based out of her home, Dona maintains the shelter with the help of many people. Jane Ziemba comes in and cares for the ferrets several times a week. She also fosters many ferrets with special needs. Michelle runs the sanctuary for the rescue from her home. She cares for all the ailing ferrets who are not adoptable due to illnesses. Sue helps with fundraisers, while Lori contributes all the advertising. We have many others that donate their time in assisting with the day to day operations.
Unfortunately, as the other rescues around Southern Florida disappear, more and more ferrets come into the rescue. We carry an average of 40-50 ferrets which doesn't include the ones we have in foster homes, and the sanctuary. And even though we continue to grow, we are always out there trying to get these animals a forever home.
One of the ways we try to adopt our ferrets is by going to PETCO. We try to go once a month to PETCO's around the South Florida area, informing people about ferrets, and if they are interested, we ask they think of adoption first. Another way we get our ferrets out there is through PETFINDERS.COM. Petfinders has been a substantial part of getting our name out there and these ferrets adopted. We average around 200 hits a day at petfinder, making it one of the most affective adoption tools for us.
In 2004, Broward Ferret Rescue became a 501c3 non-profit organization, meaning all funds that we receive goes to the help and care of the ferrets in our rescue. One of our major donators is PETCO. They are always there to help out and constantly ask us to join them for their national adoption events, and we are always happy to go. We get other donations by holding fundraising events such as pot luck, garage sales, and bake sales.
, Coconut Creek FL US 33066 Ph: 9549774583
http://www.browardferretrescue.org Email: fuzzyrescues@aol.com Email2: browardferret@gmail.com
 Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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Adopt-A-Bull Rescue, Inc. is a not-for-profit English Bulldog Rescue organization based in South Florida. We are a network of bulldog lovers and volunteers with an unyielding desire to help English Bulldogs in need of an "intervention". The bulldogs that enter our re-homing and rescue program may come from animal shelters where they would otherwise be facing euthanasia, some are found as strays and others have been surrendered by private individuals who can no longer care for them.
PO Box 8035, Coral Springs FL US 33075 Ph: 9548021442Fax: 9548250087
http://www.adoptabullrescue.com Email: clipzer@hotmail.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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At the Oasis Ranch it is our goal to operate a non-kill sanctuary for the care, treatment and maintenance of neglected, abused, injured, sick, afflicted and disabled animals, particularily horses and cats. PLEASE NOTE - Unfortunately we are not equipped to handle dogs and cannot assist in the rescue or fostering of dogs of any size.
We will rehabilitate and place for adoption those animals that have re-established trust in being handled by people through the loving, nurturing and caring atmosphere at the ranch.
For those cats and horses that cannot be rehabilitated, the Oasis ranch will provide a safe and comfortable haven with care given to those animals for the remainder of their natural lives.
We place great emphasis, as part of our mission, on educating the public about the importance of the humane treatment of animals through the production and distribution of materials through various media in order to communicate and create public awareness
PO Box 770183, Coral Springs FL US 33077
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/FL175.html Email: TheOasisRanch@aol.com
 Cats |  Horses |
Vet OnSite
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Doggone Dogs of S. Florida is a no kill, non profit 501c3 dog rescue. Originally a Sheltie rescue, we quickly expanded to include all dogs, no matter their breed, size or even infirmity. Large, small, young, old, deaf, blind, if they were unwanted or unloved, they were welcome. It was only a matter of time before we expanded even more to include cats and kittens. As a non profit organization, our animals rely heavily on the wonderful people who donate their time to help us run our rescue. We are always in need of more foster homes, supplies and volunteers to staff our adoption site. If you are interested in volunteering your time to help our animals, please contact us. We would be happy to hear from you and have you on our team! Your time counts toward community service hours for school graduation requirements.
Post Office Box 4582, West Park FL US 33083 Ph: 7542041947
http://dluxpets.org Email: A1K9Koach@gmail.com
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Special Need Animals
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Born Free Pet Shelter
Born Free Pet Shelter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been helping homeless dogs since 1980. Located on a beautiful 5-acre refuge in the Redlands of South Florida, Born Free rescues dogs in distress and offers them the chance to lead happy and healthy lives. We currently house over 100 dogs, ranging in age from 6 months to elderly. With the help of generous donations and the tireless efforts of our volunteers, we provide the love and care that they deserve. Some of our dogs will live out their days at the shelter, but we have so many that would make wonderful companions if given the chance.
PO Box 823, Key Biscayne FL US 33149 Ph: 3053615507
Email: bornfreeshelter@bellsouth.net
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Based out of Broward County and serving the Tri-County area, Get-A-Life Pet Rescue saves pets who have been abandoned and provide them with a chance at the life they deserve. Our animals come to us through Animal Services and as owner surrenders and orphaned strays.
PO Box 547023, Surfside FL US 33154- Ph: 9546292445
http://www.getalifepetrescue.com Email: chihuahuafl@comcast.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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The Humane Society of Greater Miami is dedicated to creating a humane community in which all companion animals have homes with responsible, committed and loving caregivers. The Society is focused on ending the euthanasia of healthy, adoptable pets by providing the public with quality adoption services, low-cost spay/neuter services and extensive humane education programming for citizens of all ages. The Society advocates the elimination of cruelty, neglect and pet overpopulation, and is dedicated to achieving a more kind, just and loving community for the pets and people of Miami-Dade County
16101 W. Dixie Highway, North Miami Beach FL US 33160 Ph: 3056960800
http://www.humanesocietymiami.org/index.htm Email: melanie@humanesocietymiami.org Email2: sahily@humanesocietymiami.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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