FHGRR is a full service rescue dedicated to providing rescue and necessary veterinary care for unwanted, neglected, abused, homeless, and displaced golden retrievers. We strive to place our goldens in forever homes where they will receive a lifetime of love and care.
PO Box 9077, Greenville SC US 29604 Ph: 8642349739
http://www.fhgrr.com Email: rescue@fhgrr.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Pet Tender Angels is a rescue started by an individual who loves animals and wants to see no more homeless animals! The dogs and cats in our rescue are off the streets. Strays, ferals, dumped....however they got there, our mission is to get them in loving homes and to educate the public on the importance of spaying and neutering and loving care of your pets. Pets are not material objects. They are part of the family and need love just like humans do.
PO Box 6691, Greenville SC US 29606 Ph: 8647872498
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/SC133.html Email: Pet10der@aol.com
 Dogs |
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In the last month we are delighted to have homed 27 puppies and six adult dogs. That's a little "higher" than an average month which is usually about four adults and 20 puppies.
1754 Woodruff Rd #190, Greenville SC US 29607 Ph: 8643204285
http://www.hugsforhounds.com Email: Hill0674@aol.com
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 12289 |
Zip=29607 | Shelter | Advocacy | FosterHomes | Rescue | Spay/Neuter |
Pet Haven of South Carolina is dedicated to preventing cruelty to, relieving the suffering of, and providing humane treatment for animals. They operate a NO-KILL shelter, ensuring re-homing or placement by adoption of abandoned cats, dogs, kittens, puppies and other domestic animals including feral cats and stray dogs.
, Greenville SC US 29607 Ph: 8643503735Fax: 8642337992
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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The Greenville Humane Society has served the Greenville community since the 1800’s, and continues to unite families with previously unwanted animals everyday.
328 Furman Hall Road, Greenville SC US 29609 Ph: 8642423626
http://www.greenvillehumane.com Email: adoption@greenvillehumane.com
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite

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Sable Rescue, Inc. is located in Greenville South Carolina. We pull animals under death sentence from animal control and shelters who do not have room for them any longer. We keep the animals until a home can be found for them. We support spay and neuter programs. If anyone needs help, please contact us and we will try to find an organization in your area. We also help with TNR programs for feral cats. If interested in helping feral cats, please contact us!
6 Saco Street, Greenville SC US 29611 Ph: 8642954007
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/SC145.html Email: kathysable@yahoo.com
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Our Mission is to enhance the lives of animals in South Carolina and beyond by:
Speaking out through humane education when an animal is being mis-treated. Educating the community that companion animals require not only the necessities of life, but also respect, love and affection. Working within the community to facilitate change in the laws to provide a better life for animals. Working with people to provide a better life for their companion animals
3620 Pelham Road PMB 293, Greenville SC US 29615 Ph: 8643227626
http://www.speakforanimals.com Email: ascholtes@charter.net
 Dogs |
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We are NOT affiliated with the Animal Shelter or Animal Control. (although we do try to help place animals from the shelter) Because we are NOT a division of County Government, we receive NO county funds and depend solely on donations from concerned citizens like YOU.
P O Box 2262, Anderson SC US 29622 Ph: 8642259855
http://www.andersonhumanesociety.com Email: achs_info@bellsouth.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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We are commited to adopting as many healthy animals as possible. ACAS works closely with animal rescue programs and the Anderson County Humane Society. We are obligated to morally, ethically and legally enforce ordinances and to shelter animals in such a way as to ensure public safety and to show respect for the dignity and worth of all creatures.
615 Highway 28 Bypass, Anderson SC US 29624 Ph: 8642604151
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/SC57.html Email: acas_info@bellsouth.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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We are working toward lowering the rate that dogs and cats are being put to death in the local animal shelters by assisting animals into breed specific rescues as well as into adoptive placements. This is primarily done by the use of foster homes as intermediaries.
PO Box 842, Belton SC US 29627 Ph: 8643386657
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/SC178.html Email: kblair01017@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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