We are the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Southern Nevada. We are a non-profit club who is involved with sheltie related events as well as rescuing our beloved breed. We are a group of people who love the Shetland Sheepdog/ sheltie and are working to save as many as we can.
3231 W Donner Street, Pahrump NV US 89048 Ph: 7755371969
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NV75.html Email: KenoCookie@aol.com
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We are the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Southern Nevada. We are a non-profit club who is involved with sheltie related events as well as rescuing our beloved breed. We are a group of people who love the Shetland Sheepdog/ sheltie and are working to save as many as we can.
2231 W. Donner St., Pahrump NV US 89048 Ph: 7755371969
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NV75.html Email: kenoCookei@aol.com
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All of our dogs are spay/neutered before adopted - we require a completed adoption application & $150 adoption fee
289 Vallery Road Lake White, Waverly OH US 45690 Ph: 7409475202
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH434.html Email: cbuisket@bright.net
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Our purpose is to find homes for unwanted animals. These animals are either owner surrendered or strays
24 Trenton Avenue, Jackson OH US 45640 Ph: 7402865200
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH560.html Email: rescue@newloranneigs.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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Formaly known as Barn Yard Rescue, originially opened to rescue unwanted, abused & abandoned small & medium size barn yard pets. We mainly worked with our local pound rescuing pups that would otherwise be put to sleep. It was rewarding to help so many, but the need for rescuing was unlimited & We had to come to terms that sadly we could not make a dent in the problem. The more we helped the less people were concerned about the spay & neuter issues of this county. Although it is hard not to be involved, like so many other rescues we have chose to become breed & size specific to limit our intake & not become overwhelmed. After aquiring a pomeranian & recently a yorkie, There is no question that they are one of my passions and I have decided to become a full pledged rescue for toy breeds. Our rescues are kept in homes with families and treated like our pets. We love all animals big & small and our prayers go out to the many because of time, space, money & mainly the pure neglect of owners to alter there pets will not have the chance at life. Please spay & neuter to save more pups from ending up at the pound, many never make it out.
, Waverly OH US
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH452.html Email: brettnrachel@hotmail.com
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We are a network of caring individuals who love the Weimaraner Breed. We are dedicated to re-homing displaced, abused and neglected Weimaraners. We have no fixed location. Our dogs live in various foster homes throughout Ohio until we find the perfect forever home!
, Wilmington OH US 45177 Ph: 5138773073
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH641.html Email: poetweims@aol.com Email2: sowr.rescue@verizon.net
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The Southern Oregon Humane Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the humane treatment of dogs and cats in Jackson County. Incorporated in February 1928, the Society serves the community by providing shelter and adoption services for displaced pets, by reducing pet overpopulation through spay and neuter programs, by providing humane education to our community and by our commitment to a “full adoption� policy for our shelter.
2910 Table Rock Road, Medford OR US 97850 Ph: 5417793215
http://www.southernoregonhumane.org Email: Bill@southernoregonhumane.org Email2: danielle@southernoregonhumane.org
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Southern Paws Rescue is a small organization that rescues Standard Poodles and places them in a home that is suited for the poodles specific needs. We also rescue non-specific breed dogs ensuring that all of Southern Paws Rescues will have a home for a lifetime and become a cherished family member.
1200 Openwood Street, Vicksburg MS US 39180 Ph: 601660502
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MS89.html Email: paws@cablelynx.com
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Chartered in 1952, the Southern Pines Animal Shelter was envisioned as a safe haven for homeless and unwanted pets which it remains. Contracted by the cities of Hattiesburg and Petal, our shelter houses all of the animals their wardens pick up as well as animals brought to us by owners from all surrounding counties. There is no charge for taking animals in, and we never refuse an animal, but we do ask that a donation be made to help care for it.
1901 North 31st Avenue, Hattiesburg MS US 39401 Ph: 6015446632
http://www.SouthernPinesAnimalShelter.org Email: btsyfinfan02@aol.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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SSTR is dedicated to the rescue and rehoming of Shih Tzu, as well as other toy breeds in the area. We work in conjunction with local shelters and other rescue groups to aid in placing needy furbabies in loving, caring FOREVER homes
Po Box 8072, Anniston AL US 36202
http://www.southernfurbabyrescue.org Email: southernshihtzurescue@hotmail.com
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