Goal: To assist in ending the overpopulation of domesticated dogs and cats in cooperation with other animal organizations.
#146 13680 Bear Valley Rd. #E-4, Victorville CA US 92392 Ph: 7609533557
http://www.localrescue.org Email: lindee33@charter.net Email2: localrescue@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Our Mission: Airedale Rescue and Adoption of North Texas is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that rescues and provides care -- including food, shelter, emotional support, behavioral direction and medical care -- to stray and abandoned Airedale Terriers for the purpose of placing them in suitable, loving homes with qualified people.
, Dallas TX US Ph: 8173723445
http://www.airedaleterriers.org/ntara/ Email: northtexas@airedaleterriers.org
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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North Texas Basset Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing stray and unwanted bassets, providing veterinary care and placing them in loving homes. We cooperate with over 100 animal shelters and pounds in North Texas. We are operated solely by volunteers.
3064 Highridge Dr., Grapevine TX US 76051 Ph: 9173665649
http://www.bassetrescuedfw.com Email: bassetrescuedfw@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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We are the rescue branch of the North Texas Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers, Inc., an affiliate to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America.
245 Highland Knoll, Highland Village TX US 75077 Ph: 9723170067Fax: 9723171349
http://www.northtxwelshcorgis.org Email: rescue1@northtxweshcorgis.org
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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We are a small group covering a wide area that helps to find homes for needy gsds. We also help with medical bills on occasions and offer advice on behavior problems.
9095 Hwy 199 West, Poolville TX US 76487 Ph: 8172207896
http://www.Ntxgsdrescue.org Email: rescuegs@aol.com Email2: wulfhouse@aol.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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The North Texas Rabbit Sanctuary (NTRS) is dedicated to the rescue of abused and abandoned rabbbits and their subsequent adoption into loving homes after being spayed/neutered, and to the education of the public in the proper care and training of dometstic rabbits as indoor companion animals. We are a 501c3 non-profit run strictly off volunteer time and donations.
1013 Lesa Ln., Garland TX US 75042 Ph: 9722051881
http://www.ntrs.org Email: ntrs_tx@yahoo.com
 Rabbits |
Special Need Animals
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North Texas Scottie Rescue, Inc. is created and dedicated to the protection of Scottish Terriers, prevention of all forms of animal cruelty and placement of homeless dogs in life-long homes qualified to provide the care and environment suitable for this breed, or any other breed if needed.
All dogs listed for adoption have received a full vet exam including spay or neuter, dental cleaning (if needed), all vaccinations and shots required by Texas law, heartworm test (including treatment if positive), and any medical treatment needed to assure the dog's health and well being. They are socialized and assessed for temperament and behavior issues. All of our pets are kept in foster homes until they are adopted. They receive lots of special attention and TLC!
5432 Buckner Court, Flower Mound TX US 75028 Ph: 4692228191
http://NorthTexasScottieRescue.com Email: margy@northtexasscottierescue.com Email2: cheryl@northtexasscottierescue.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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North Vegas Rescue
PO Box 335932, North Las Vegas NV US 89033 Ph: 7023991018
Email: vipersbt@gmail.com
 Dogs |
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The North Wood County Humane Society is a non-profit, tax deductible organization dedicated to providing shelter, care and adoption of stray or abandoned cats, dogs and small animals; also providing educational awareness and information to all members of the community.
11115 S. LINCOLN AVE., MARSHFIELD WI US 54449 Ph: 7153842544
http://users.tznet.com/~nwchs/ Email: dan.leonard@ci.marshfield.wi.us
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Northampton Animal Control
A municipal animal control agency. Occasionally we have dogs available for adoption that were found and not reclaimed. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept dogs that people can no longer keep.
29 Center Street, Northampton MA US 01060 Ph: 4135863905
Email: ntonaco@comcast.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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