Florida Doggie Paws Rescue is an all volunteer, foster based 501 (c) 3 Incorporation. FDPR is a grass-roots rescue formed by 7 people with one common goal: to save the dogs. Our mission is to responsibly rescue, rehabilitate, foster and find permanent loving homes for unwanted, abandoned and abused small to medium breed dogs in our community and throughout the State of Florida.
3449 Laurel Dale Dr., Tampa FL US 33618 Ph: 8132831695
http://www.floridadoggiepaws.org Email: info@floridadoggiepaws.org
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Florida Great Pyrenees Club
The Florida Great Pyrenees Club (FGPC) was formed in April, 1997, as a regional club. From that original meeting, at which there were about a dozen people, we have grown to more than 200 members. We now have members from Miami to Tallahassee!
Our primary goals are:
(1) to maintain and further the integrity of the breed;
(2) to hold regular club meetings, matches, public education, and fun activities for members;
(3) to exchange ideas regarding care, behavior, training, health, and breeding for Pyrs; and
(4) to be active in Great Pyrenees rescue.
Our club became affiliated with the Great Pyrenees Club of America (GPCA) in December 1999. We recently completed our incorporation as a non-profit Florida corporation, and we are currently working toward formal AKC affiliation and endorsement
14208 NW 61st Lane, Gainesville FL US 32653 Ph: 3523323259
Email: ttregear@floridapyrs.org
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We are a group of volunteers dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming SharPei throughout the state of Florida. We also do our best to assist with the rescue of SharPei throughout the Sunbelt region, including Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi.
, Gainesville FL US 32609 Ph: 4076976727
http://www.floridasharpeirescue.com/index.html Email: amy@floridasharpeirescue.com
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In order to adopt from Florida Weimaraner Rescue, we require an adoption application, vet reference, interview and home visit. Upon adoption, a placement contract and adoption fee are required
, Gainesville FL US Ph: 3523742353
http://flweimrescue.com Email: jodiavila@yahoo.com Email2: caseyweim@gmail.com
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The Flower Mound Humane Society is a non-profit 501(c), all volunteer organization dedicated to the rescue and placement of unwanted and abused animals in Flower Mound and the surrounding areas. We are also committed to spay/neuter assistance and education to companion animal guardians.
1601 Arrowhead Dr, Flower Mound TX US 75028 Ph: 9726917387Fax: 9725391599
http://www.fmhs.org Email: adopt@fmhs.org
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Fluffy Dog Rescue was founded by one woman who had a desire to save a few dogs lives if she could. We have evolved into a trio of women and an extended group of foster homes and we continue the dream of saving lives that would otherwise be lost to no fault of their own.
W295 N8427 Camp Whitcomb Road, Hartland WI US 53029
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI266.html Email: lharper@talentgenesis.com
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specializes in placing herding breeds, such as Australian Cattle Dogs, Border Collies, and Australian Shepherds, and mixes combining any of these 3 breeds.
http://www.flyingk9s.com Email: flyingk9s@hotmail.com
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FOCAS was established in 1984 to promote the general welfare and natural conservation, preservation and protection of all species of animals. FOCAS has devoted the past 24 years to providing funding, humane services and vital quality of life programs for animal care and well-being to the animals at the Bergen County Animal Shelter, and other abandoned, homeless and injured animals in our Bergen County Community.
Po Box 439, Hasbrock Heights NJ US 07604 Ph: 2019434019
http://www.focas.us Email: info@focasnews.org
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Foothills Animal Rescue
Foothills Animal Rescue (FAR) is a non-profit, volunteer organization established in 1995. The mission of FAR is to provide shelter, care and adoption services for many of the thousands of domestic cats and dogs that stray, become lost or are abandoned each year in Maricopa county. FAR also provides animal adoption services for pet owners who, due to circumstances, must give up their animal.
PO Box 4865, Cave Creek AZ US 85327 Ph: 4804889890
Email: far@extremezone.com
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When the shelter is unable to place the rabbit in a home they are destroyed. For Bunny Sake Rabbit Rescue will rescue the pet from the shelter, and place him/her in a volunteers foster home. Our rescued rabbits receive medical care, are spayed or neutered, handled daily, become accustomed to household noises, socialized with our family members and cage litterbox trained, in preparation of being adopted into a forever home.
Po Box 462, Maple Shade NJ US 08052
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/NJ375.html Email: Forbunnysake@aol.com
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