We are a small shelter in Northern Michigan that takes in approximately 800 animals a year. Our hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. The best times to visit animals is from 10am to 4pm.
605 North Birch Street, Kalkaksa MI US 49646 Ph: 2312583309
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI160.html Email: kalkaskashelter@kalkaskascounty.org Email2: dmpayne18@yahoo.com
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Special Need Animals
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We are a grass-roots (all volunteer), non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. We help in many ways including: providing medical care and working to reduce over-population by funding spay/neuter services, helping to rescue and place homeless and mis-treated animals, assisting residents and animal control with these and other items, and working to provide humane education in our community.
PO Box 1002, Kalkaska MI US 49646 Ph: 2313692984
http://www.kcacares.org/site/3337/default.aspx Email: kcahome@yahoo.com
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Special Need Animals
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Kamp Kritter is a no-kill animal shelter in Jacksonville, Florida. We participate in the rescue, care, rehabilitation, and adoption of abandoned, injured and homeless dogs. Without this kind of care many of these dogs face abuse and abandonment but here at the Kamp we offer a loving, homelike environment for the dogs to live in before adoption. Dogs who have been mistreated sometimes find the first safe environment they have ever known and the dogs that wander into our lives find a caring, healthy place to spend their time until adoption. At the shelter, dogs learn how to interact with humans and other dogs under the watchful eye of Head Kritter Sue Towler and other dedicated volunteers and colleagues.
, Jacksonville FL US Ph: 9043819562
http://www.kampkritter.com Email: campcritr@aol.com
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Special Need Animals
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* Lost and Found Information
* Aid to Stray, Injured or Deceased Animals
* Education for schools on animal care
* Adoption
* Volunteer Program
* Enforcement of City ordinances regarding Animal welfare
* Low income Spay/Neuter programs
* Dog Licensing available during regular hours.
1248 Greenbrier Street, Charleston WV US 25311 Ph: 3043421576Fax: 3043423395
http://www.wvanimalshelter.com Email: wvanimalshelter@charter.net
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We rescue all sizes, all breeds. KanineKids is located in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. We do not have an adoption facility, our organization is comprised completely of volunteers fostering animals in their homes.
PO Box 89152, Atlanta GA US 30312 Ph: 6783181839
http://www.kaninekids.com Email: ricky@kaninekids.com
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Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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The Kankakee County Animal Foundation is a Voluntary Not For Profit Organization which consists of a Board of Directors, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The KCAF is located in Kankakee County Illinois. The organization's focus is Fostering, Adoptions, Emphasizing Spay/Neuter and Responsible Pet Ownership Education. The organization's volunteer foster homes are important to the success of the adoption process. Local shelters are also part of this process. Local veterinarians are used to provide necessary animal wellness which includes all vacinations,lab tests, etc. As part of the KCAF's project, through donations, they provide the monetary resources to enable the local veterinarians to provide low cost spay/neuter. Additionally, our volunteers strive to educate the public about responsible pet ownership. They call upon friends, teachers, scout leaders, parents, etc., for help. Most of the reasons that animals end up in animal control are preventable by teaching children animal safety and pet care. Many of the problems of today can be decreased as these children grow up and become responsible pet owners. The Foundation has asked educators to add this information to their units on safety, biology, etc., urging scout leaders to encourage children to work toward badges related to these subjects. Parents need to set the good example by teaching their children safe, responsible pet care at home. KCAF provides information on related educational materials. KCAF is always looking for volunteers to assist in providing the necessary tasks to make the animals safe and healthy.
PO Box 187, Momence IL US 60954 Ph: 8154723891
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IL227.html Email: yesteryear2@hotmail.com
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The Kankakee County Humane Society celebrates 42 years of service to the community as the area's only NO KILL facility. The Humane Society began in 1963 with a few dedicated volunteers and no place to house abandoned, lost, and sometimes abused animals. Today, the Society has an adoption facility located near St. Anne, Illinois. Three employees provide loving care for a variety of puppies, kittens, dogs and cats. The KCHS is a non-profit organization and receives NO TAX MONEY.
2214 Route 1, St.Anne IL US 60964 Ph: 8159335999
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KCDR is a not-for-profit organization of volunteers who rescue Dobermans. Our dogs come from shelters, owners who no longer can or will provide for them and, all too often, strays that are never searched for. We evaluate the dogs' health and temperament and place the dogs with new adoptive families.
, Riverside MO US Ph: 8165052275Fax: 8165873245
http://www.kcdoberescue.com Email: admin@kcdoberescue.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Kansas City Kansas Animal Shelter
3301 Park Drive, Kansas City KS US 66211 Ph: 9133211445
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All of our animals MUST be spayed or neutered before going to their new home. Upon completion of your adoption process your new pet will be transported to our contracted veterinary clinic where the animal will receive the above veterinary services.
4400 Raytown Road, Kansas City MO US 64129 Ph: 8165139800
http://www.kcmo.org/pets.nsf/web/pethome?opendocument Email: animalcontrol@kcmo.org
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