We are a Non-Profit group.Our shelter is located in New Iberia. We have been helping pets since 1980.We are a NO-KILL SHELTER .WE TAKE PRIDE IN TAKING GOOD CARE OF OUR PETS.All our pets are updated on their Vaccinations/Wormings .All Dogs are tested/treated for Heartworms. We spay & Neuter all our animals.
1314 Troy Road, New Iberia LA US 70562 Ph: 3373651923Fax: 3373651943
http://www.iberiahumane.com Email: IberiaHu@IberiaHumane.com
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This organization was developed to allow these iguanas in foster homes to find suitable permanent homes as well as help owners relocate their iguanas, that for various reasons, are no longer welcome in their homes.
, St Paul MN US
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IL-Mo Rescue,NFP is a licensed, non-profit Pug and Boston Terrier Rescue. We also represent these breeds for Purebred Dog Rescue of St. Louis, Inc. As such, we are licensed in the states of Illinois and Missouri to rescue, rehab and rehome abandoned pets.
2 Garnette Dr., Belleville IL US 62220 Ph: 6182350294
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IL75.html Email: melanie@ilmorescue.org Email2: ilmorescue@sbcglobal.net
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IAMRA is a not for profit , 501c3 organization established to shelter and care for Alaskan Malamutes which have been abandoned, turned into shelters, or are in need of a new home. The dogs are placed in temporary foster homes (or a boarding kennel if foster homes are not available) until a permanent home can be found. Our commitment is to place each dog in the best new permanent home to give them a second chance in life.
***The BEST and FASTEST way to get in touch with us is to email us the listed email address***
Illinois Alaskan Malamute Rescue Association has been serving Illinois and portions of surrounding states since 1989.
200 East Evergreen Suite 103, Mt Prospect IL US 60056 Ph: 8472593570
http://www.iamra.org Email: keysci@worldnet.att.net
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Illinois Birddog Rescue, Inc. is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to saving, transporting, vetting, fostering, and adopting homeless American Field-bred English Pointers and English Setters - a group of canines commonly known as BIRDDOGS. We are funded solely from adoption fees and donations. Since our slow beginning in October of 2001, we have placed close to 200 dogs and puppies.
Most of our rescue dogs are in foster care in the Chicagoland area with a wonderful group of volunteers who dedicate their free time and energy to help the dogs get ready for their forever homes. While in foster care, the rescues live in a home and are socialized with other dogs, people, children, and cat tested if possible. To assure that they will make good house pets, our rescues are also taught basic manners, are housebroken and cage trained. Unfortunately many of the rescues that come in have been abused or are in poor health. We take care of any medical issues and give these dogs lots of TLC.
, Wood Dale IL US 60191 Ph: 6306941359
http://www.illinoisbirddogrescue.org Email: lisa@luckypets.net
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Illinois Birddog Rescue, Inc. is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to saving, transporting, vetting, fostering, and adopting homeless American Field-bred English Pointers and English Setters - a group of canines commonly known as BIRDDOGS. We are funded solely from adoption fees and donations. Since our slow beginning in October of 2001, we have placed close to 500 dogs and puppies.
Most of our rescue dogs are in foster care in the Chicagoland area with a wonderful group of volunteers who dedicate their free time and energy to help the dogs get ready for their forever homes. While in foster care, the rescues live in a home and are socialized with other dogs, people, children, and cat tested if possible. To assure that they will make good house pets, our rescues are also taught basic manners, are housebroken and cage trained. Unfortunately many of the rescues that come in have been abused or are in poor health. We take care of any medical issues and give these dogs lots of TLC.
On occasion we test the dogs hunting instinct using planted pigeons or quail to see if they have any scent pointing ability. Seeing one of our birddogs pointing a bird by scent alone is a beautiful thing. We have successfully adopted out our dogs to hunters as long as they are spoiled rotten house pets first.
, Addison IL US Ph: 6306941359
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Illinois Cocker Rescue (ICR), created to rescue abandoned and homeless Cocker Spaniels, was incorporated as a Not-For-Profit Illinois corporation in November 2000 and is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Aly Posner PO Box 384, Harvard IL US 60033
http://www.ilcockerrescue.org Email: ILCockerRescue@aol.com
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Special Need Animals
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Illinois Doberman Rescue operates as a not-for-profit organization based in Northern Illinois. The goal of Doberman Rescue is to rescue Dobermans in need, to place them into responsible homes, and to educate the public about the Doberman breed. Our Rescue Dobermans come from animal control organizations, humane societies, and owner give-up situations within Illinois.
PO Box 435, Barrington IL US 60011
http://www.ildoberescue.com Email: ildoberescue@yahoo.com
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We are Illinois Heartbandits chapter of Heart Bandits American Eskimo Dog Rescue. We cover Illinois, Indiana, and parts of Kentucky along with our sister chapter Snowbird Eskie Rescue. Heart Bandits Inc. is a national not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to rescuing American Eskimo dogs or "Eskies". Our dogs come from owner surrenders, shelters, humane societies, and other all breed rescue groups. We work closely with other Heart Bandits chapters nationwide. We also work with animal control, shelters and humane societies in our area. All of our work is voluntary. Our reward comes from the love and affection given to us by our dogs, and the joy of seeing them sent off to deserving families. Unfortunately that doesn't pay the bills for dog food, medicines, vet care, transportation, etc. Funding is always a problem. Our expenses are only partially offset by our adoption fees. Therefore any donations however small are always appreciated. For further information email: capnray@eskieranch.org.
, Aurora IL US
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IDR shall strive to rescue, protect, and otherwise aid dogs, focusing on problems such as breed specific legislation and irresponsible ownership in general.
, Chapel Hill NC US 27514 Ph: 9196474544Fax: 8142954544
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