1410 Versailles Rd., Lawrenceburg KY US 40342 Ph: 5028396410
http://www.dcr.net/~humane/ Email: ahs_40342@yahoo.com
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Anderson Police Department Animal Services is a very small animal regulations unit in Northern California in the city of Anderson, with a population of 10,100. We have a small holding facility and only one Animal Services Officer.
PO Box 1804 2951 McMurry Dr, Anderson CA US 96007 Ph: 5303786624
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA709.html Email: rcanavan@ci.anderson.ca.us
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PO Box 1631, Andrews TX US 79714 Ph: 4323556155
http://www.arfc-tx.com Email: administrator@arfc-tx.com Email2: arfctx@yahoo.com
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We are a non-profit rescue and foster care home that will retrain and rehome any and all of our fosters. We take small dogs at our facility. We work closely with a fantastic vet as well as many Animal Control Officers so we can make sure our dogs are completely healthy and fixed before listing them on our site! All of our dogs have flea and tick preventative, heartworm testing and preventative, rabies shot, housebreaking, crate training as well as spaying and neutering!
PO Box 1631, Andrews TX US 79714 Ph: 4323556155
http://www.arfc-tx.com Email: arfctx@yahoo.com
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PO Box 9244, ALBUQUERQUE NM US 87119 Ph: 5058665877Fax: 5306986722
http://www.anew.petfinder.org Email: anewpet@flash.net
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Angel Acres Animal Rescue is a certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in the west county area of St. Louis, MO. We are dedicated to the rescue of homeless and unwanted animals and strive to place themin suitable, loving homes. We believe that pets are an important part of the family and should be treated with kindness, love and respect. We are a small, home-based operation and as such we are personally involved with every animal we have available. They are treated as members of our family until a "forever home" is found and we expect to stay in touch and build lasting friendships with all our adopters in the years to come.
, St. Louis MO US
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO293.html Email: limarc@sbcglobal.net
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Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit rescue dedicated to saving horses bound for slaughter for human consumption in Europe and Asia. Thoroughbreds are rescued from the killer pens and adopted by loving families, ranchers and people just like you.
Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit rescue dedicated to saving horses bound for slaughter for human consumption in Europe and Asia. Thoroughbreds are rescued from the killer pens and adopted by loving families, ranchers and people just like you.
, Glenville PA US Ph: 7172254153
http://www.angelacreshorsehavenrescue.com Email: jodeibel@aol.com
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Vet OnSite
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We are a multiple breed and species rescue organization based in Middletown, OH
, Middletown OH US
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH97.html Email: rtmcgonigle@msn.com
Special Need Animals
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Angel Animal Rescue, Referral and Adoption Services mission is matching a responsible and caring pet owning household with a the right pet. Taking into consideration both the pet owners personality, lifestyle and needs with that of the pets temperament and needs Angel Animal Rescue and Adoption Services offers the potential pet adopter a three day trial period.Trial periods may be extended upon request.
, Wayne PA US 19087 Ph: 6109640640
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/PA100.html Email: PJohnsBuffy@cs.com
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Angel Haven Animal Rescue
To rescue, protect and re-home animals of various species. To ensure that all animals are safe, well-nourished and loved to the best of our ability. To educate people on the importance of spaying and neutering pets. To work with the powers at be in government to establish laws in the best interest of all animals. To stand up for the rights of animals and to initiate and/or participate in public demonstrations or forums on behalf of animal rights. To suggest and initiate training for pet owners on the care and discipline of animals
1990 N Alma School Rd #305, Chandler AZ US 85224 Ph: 4802091012
Email: kgarcia1@cox.net
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