Houston Great Pyrenees Rescue is a non-profit, all volunteer organization dedicated to the health, safety, and prevention of cruelty to Great Pyrenees and big white dogs. We provide foster care until the dogs are adopted. Prior to adoption, each dog receives health care, vaccinations, and is spayed or neutered. The adoption process includes an application, a vet reference, and a home visit.
8325 Broadway Ste. 202-41, Pearland TX US 77584 Ph: 2814120471
http://www.houstongreatpyreneesrescue.com Email: Sandy White - swhite2@houston.rr.com
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We are a non-progit animal shelter. We are not a "no-kill" shelter. We admitted and housed approximately 14,000 animals in 2004. We do have an active adoption program and foster program. We also have an onsite Clinic offering low-cost vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery and full vet services.
14700 Almeda Rd., Houston TX US 77053 Ph: 7133413314
http://Houstonhumane.org Email: mail@houstonhumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Livestock |
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We are a group of volunteers dedicating to saving Labrador Retrievers that are lost, abandonded, impounded in shelters, abused or neglected. It is our goal to give these dogs a second chance in life.
, Houston TX US
http://www.houstonlabrescue.com Email: houstonlabrescue@yahoo.com
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We are a group of volunteers dedicating to saving Labrador Retrievers that are lost, abandonded, impounded in shelters, abused or neglected. It is our goal to give these dogs a second chance in life. Our mission is to work with local animal shelters to provide some relief by evaluating and rescuing purebred Labradors that have been abandoned by their owners or were found wandering in the streets without tags.
Po Box 7464, Pasadena TX US 77508
http://www.houstonlabrescue.com Email: info@houstonlabrescue.com
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Special Need Animals
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Houston Pekingese Rescue is a non-profit organization compiled of volunteers who foster homeless pekingese, completely vet them and find wonderful forever homes for them.
12402 Oak Plaza Dr., Houston TX US 77429
http://www.houstonpekerescue.com Email: scwright@houston.rr.com
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We are a private rescue for small exotic pets in the Houston area. We have been in 'business' for over 5 years and have rescued and rehomed hundreds of small animals. We fund everything out of our own pockets with NO government assistance. Donations are integral to the success of our rescue.
1131 Peachford Lane, Houston TX US 77062 Ph: 8322282279
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX1028.html Email: houstonratrescue@comcast.net
 Birds |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
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American Rat Terrier Rescue Corporation, ARTR Corp., is devoted to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of rat terriers of all ages.
P.O.Box 785, Isleton CA US 95641 Ph: 9257789888
http://www.houstonratterrierrescue.org Email: info@americanratterrier.com
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After we rescue a Sheltie, we immediately get him or her to one of our clinics, where the dog is assessed and treated for whatever ailments/parasites he or she may have, then vaccinated and neutered. After medical care, the dog is placed with one of our foster homes who rehabilitate, socialize, and assess the dog for temperament, helping him or her get ready for adoption. The dog is in our foster program for a minimum of two weeks -- up to two months if going through heartworm treatment or surgical recovery. Once the dog is made available for adoption on our adoptions page, then we begin trying to match him or her with the best home for both dog and family.
P.O.Box 840235, Houston TX US 77284 Ph: 2814841737Fax: 2814976895
http://www.houstonsheltiesanctuary.com Email: cgoedecke@att.net
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The mission of the Houston SPCA is to promote commitment to and respect for all animals and to free them from suffering, abuse and exploitation. One way we accomplish this mission is to accept all animals in need. The doors of the Houston SPCA are always open to all animals in need and no animal is ever turned away
900 Portway Drive, Houston TX US Ph: 7138697722Fax: 7138695857
http://www.houstonspca.org Email: hspca@hspca.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
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We are a government agency dedicated to enforcing animal control laws, promoting the humane treatment of animals, providing adoption services, discounted spay/neuter services, and educating the public on animal issues. We handle between four and five thousand animals a year.
There are many wonderful cats and dogs awaiting a loving home, as well as rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.
8576 Davis Road, Columbia MD US 21045 Ph: 4103132780
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
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