Over the years we have expanded our facility, but we continue to reach our capacity because our community is growing and because the pet overpopulation crisis is not abating. In 2002 the shelter served nearly 5,000 homeless or unwanted animals.
But there is good news. We are very proud to have an adoption rate which exceeds the ASPCA national average. And we're working hard to spread the news about pet adoption, spaying and neutering, and responsible pet ownership.
136 Four Paws Lane, Summerville SC US 29483 Ph: 8438713820
http://www.frwspca.org Email: manager@frwspca.org Email2: director@frwspca.org
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Francis's Friends Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization dedicated to (1)rescuing, making healthy, and arranging adoptions for cats and kittens, and (2)supporting other rescuers' efforts to trap/neuter/release (TNR) feral cats by providing advice, equipment, and transportation to free or low cost neuter sites. Donations received will be used to support our rescue and adoption efforts and our TNR support.
25-02 23rd Ave, Astoria NY US 11105 Ph: 3473933649
http://www.francisfriends.org Email: ffirescue@yahoo.com
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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Francisvale’s mission is a no kill shelter, accepting adoptable cats and dogs, providing loving care while looking for permanent homes.
328 Upper Gulph Rd., Radnor PA US 19087 Ph: 6106881018
http://www.francisvalehome.org Email: francisvale@comcast.net
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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All potential adopters are screened for suitable placement of animals.?
The Frank Barchard Animal Shelter-CHA Association reserves the right to refuse placement of any animal for any reason.
We reserve the right to reclaim animals for one year.
Po Box 2, Commerce TX US 75429 Ph: 9034962412
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX519.html Email: commercepets@yahoo.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Org # 164 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
1024 Pretlow St, Franklin VA US 23851 Ph: 7575618575
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Gov't run
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Org # 165 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Franklin County Animal Control
70 E Court St, Suite 305, Rocky Mount VA US 24151 Ph: 5404837440
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Gov't run
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ranklin County Animal Control works along with area law enforcement and voluneers in rescuing and caring for unwanted animals. We try to help educate the public on spaying/neutering and proper care of their pets. We rescue pets, seek veterinarian care for them, and provide adoption counseling to the prospective homes. We are putting forth every effort possible to end animal abuse and neglect and are in the process of updating the current laws set forth to prosecute people found guilty of abuse and neglect.
13163 Oddfellow Road, Benton IL US 62812 Ph: 6184399197
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
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Franklin County’s animal control facility (located at the county landfill between Louisburg and Youngsville) was originally designed as a rabies control facility rather than a shelter. Consequently, it does not have the resources to provide long-term care for dogs and cats. Stray dogs and cats are kept at the facility for a minimum of three days prior to euthanasia, while owner-surrendered animals may be (but are not always) euthanized immediately. Therefore, these animals do not have much time once they are at the facility. Further, the aging facility employs a gas chamber to euthanize animals. While the use of gas chambers is legal in North Carolina, it is not the method of euthanasia recommended by most humane organizations and veterinarians for destruction of tame/friendly dogs and cats
timberlake road, Franklinton NC US 27525 Ph: 9194945274Fax: 9195708208
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NC119.html Email: vivgraves@webtv.net Email2: heavenscent@nc.rr.com
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Franklin County Animal Shelter
550 Industry Road, INDUSTRY ME US 04938 Ph: 2077782638
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The purposes and goals of the Franklin County Animal Shelter are:
to provide protection and aid to animals that are temporarily in our care.
to adopt homeless animals into humane environments.
to educate the public about the proper and humane care and treatment of all animals.
to implement programs and provide services to promote responsible pet ownership.Our current facility was built in 1979. We are now contracted by 26 communities in the Franklin County area to provide care and shelter to stray and abandoned animals.
550 Industry Road, Farmington ME US 04938 Ph: 2077782638
http://members.petfinder.org/~ME43/ Email: FranklinCountyAnimalShelter@hotmail.com
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