Our mission is to help stray, homeless, abused, neglected and unwanted Ohio dogs find their way to loving homes. You can save a dog's life -- adopt a rescued dog!
, Canton OH US
http://www.daisydogrescue.com Email: heather@daisydogrescue.com
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The Dakin Animal Shelter, Inc. works with our community to strengthen the bond between animals and people, enhancing the quality of their lives through compassionate sheltering, responsible adoptions, education, and community outreach.
163 Montague Road, Leverett MA US 01054 Ph: 4135489898
http://www.dakinshelter.org Email: info@dakinshelter.org
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I am a member of the National Brittany Rescue & Adoption Network but also work closely with all rescue groups who need help in South and North Dakota. My family and I provide foster care for abandoned britts and also help with breed transportation across the state for all dogs in need.
801 N Harrison Ave, Pierre SD US 57501 Ph: 6052242964
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Org # 420 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Dakota City Animal Shelter
, DAKOTA CITY IA US 50529 Ph: 5153323033
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Gov't run
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Dakota Pet Hospital
20136 Icenic Trail, Lakeville MN US 55044 Ph: 9524691525
Email: mistijo77@hotmail.com
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Dal-Savers Dalmatian Rescue, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ALL VOLUNTEER rescue organization dedicated to rescuing and adopting homeless Dalmatians into loving homes. We service Wisconsin and Illinois.
PO Box 090151, Milwaukee WI US 53209 Ph: 4142979210
http://www.dalrescue.net Email: LoveADal@yahoo.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
$Donate to this Organization here$
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In March 2003, four young ladies in fourth grade were upset about dogs being euthanized in our town. Determined to stop this, they went to the City Council, convinced them to make the local animal control a no-kill facility, and then formulated a recycling plan to help fund their own no-kill rescue shelter, to be operated and maintained by student volunteers(ages 9-11). With very limited resources, no electricity (until December ༿) and minimal water access, they began picking up dogs and cats from the city facility, having them checked by the local vets, vaccinated, and -most importantly- spaying or neutering them prior to adoption. While facing many adverse conditions, these volunteers spent most of their free time over the past year at DAWGS, where they fed, watered, cleaned and loved the animal in their care. The shelter is located on an old ranch outside of town, which has been converted into nice, roomy pens for all of the inhabitants until they can find a loving, forever home. For more information about our shelter please go to: www.dawgsntexas.com www.bestfriends.org/nomorehomelesspets/localnmhpprograms/dawg.cfm www.ida.org/dalhart
PO Box 911, Dalhart TX US 79022 Ph: 8062443216
http://www.dawgsntexas.com Email: dawgntexas@yahoo.com
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We are a group of volunteers dedicated to Sheltie-Well-Being! Some of us foster, some of us volunteer at fund raising events, and some of us do both. We are a non-profit organization who works on finding stable homes for our dogs. If you are interested in volunteering at our Adopt-A-Pets or other events, please contact us. We are always in need of help!
PO Box 251, Merit TX US 75458 Ph: 9729947848
http://www.sheltie.org Email: rramsey810@aol.com
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Our No-Kill shelter in Dallas Oregon, is staffed with compassionate individuals who truly care about the welfare of the dogs we care for. Incoming dogs are scanned for microchips and vaccinated on arrival. If not claimed they are groomed and put up for adoption. All adult dogs are spayed or neutered prior to placement in their new homes. Our goal is to find loving forever homes for all of our homeless friends.
187 SE Court St., Dallas OR US 97338 Ph: 5038313536
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OR81.html Email: schultz11@earthlink.net
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The Pet Adoption Program's goal is to bring deserving dogs and cats together with loving, responsible owners while reducing the number of animals which are needlessly destroyed each year due to unavailable homes.
1818 N. Westmoreland, Dallas TX US 75212 Ph: 2146708246
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX236.html Email: cwillia@mail.ci.dallas.tx.us
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Special Need Animals
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