Our Spay/Neuter Transport is helping many families in our area with lower cost spay and neuters. We have helped spay and neuter close to 750 animals this past year (including CBARPAs pets)
4525 W 9th Po Box 6313, Kennewick WA US 99336 Ph: 5093962794
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WA173.html Email: rescueallpets@charter.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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6337 Columbia Rd, Appling GA US 30802 Ph: 7065414077Fax: 7065413895

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Located in St. Helens, Oregon, CCAC is the animal control agency for Columbia County. We deal with stray, neglected, abused, abandoned and owner relinquished dogs. On a daily basis we take care of a wide variety of canine related situations, from collecting stray dogs to getting vet assistance for injured dogs. At the shelter we have limited space for holding dogs who are either hopefully waiting for their owners to come and find them or are available to new homes. CCAC is a county facility but it is funded mostly by dog licence fees. We rely on donations from people who want to help with the care of animals who truly need to be rescued.
2084 Oregon Street, St. Helens OR US 97051 Ph: 5033973935
http://www.ccanimals.com Email: animal@co.columbia.or.us
 Dogs |
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Columbia County Animal Protection Society is a non-profit organization. Our Mission Statement: To provide temporary humane care, food, water, shelter, and medical attention for stray, homeless, abandoned, neglected, and abused animals in Columbia County
501 West Columbia St., Magnolia AR US 71754 Ph: 8702347297
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/AR10.html Email: ccaps@sbcglobal.net
 Cats |  Dogs |

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We do not have a shelter, so all of our animals are currently in foster homes. We currently have three major homes (two dog homes and one cat home) and also have some individual temporary homes. Our animals come from a variety of places. As space and resources permit, we try to help the local animal control organizations by taking animals that have been turned in to them or picked up by them. We also receive animals through owner surrender.
PO Box 204771, Martinez GA US 30917 Ph: 7068605020
http://www.cchshumane.org Email: info@cchshumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Columbia County Humane Society (CCHS) is a private, non-profit organization that depends primarily on donated funds. CCHS is independent. It is neither controlled nor governed by any local, state or national animal welfare organization.
N7768 Industrial Road, Portage WI US 53901 Ph: 6087423666Fax: 6087451256
http://www.cchswi.org Email: ProDogTrainer@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Vet OnSite
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The Columbia Humane Society is a No-Kill non-profit organization dedicated to providing shelter, food and medical care for hundreds of unwanted dogs and cats each year until a new "forever home" can be found for each and every one. We also offer micro-chipping, low cost pet-food, and private cremation services.
Spay and neuter education is another primary focus and discount coupons are available on our front counter or can be mailed to you directly. Remember, for every human, there are 45 dogs and 250 cats on the earth today. Until we reduce the number being born each day...our job is far from complete.
We welcome visitors, and encourage volunteers to assist us in the daily upkeep of our facility. You can also help walk and socialize our dogs and pet our cats who live in a "pod" environment allowed to climb and play freely.
2084 Oregon St., St Helens OR US 97051 Ph: 5033974353Fax: 5033970355
http://columbiahumane.org/index.html Email: chs_director@opusnet.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Columbia Second Chance was founded in 1985 as a privately-funded, all-volunteer organization dedicated to "seeking first-class homes for second-hand pets." Through the kindness of our volunteers and our foster homes, we care for animals of all types, either on a temporary basis while we search for a new, permanent home, or on a long-term basis while the animal is treated for illness or injury. At no time are animals euthanized just because they don't have a home - all animals have a home at Columbia Second Chance. Animals are accepted on a space-available basis.
PO Box 10186, Columbia MO US 65205 Ph: 5734455598
http://www.columbia2ndchance.org/DesktopDefault.aspx Email: columbiasecondchance@hotmail.com
 Dogs |
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we are dedicated to the protection, humane treatment and well being of all animals. This mission will be accomplished by our commitment to community outreach, humane education and prevention of cruelty to animals.
We do not euthanize animals for space constraints and do not receive any federal, state or county
125 Humane Society Road, Hudson NY US 12534 Ph: 5188286044Fax: 5188887709
http://cghs.org Email: cghsuser001@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The mission of the Columbia-Willamette Beagle Rescue,Inc. is to place Beagles in need into loving, permanent homes and to provide educational resources to help prevent future displaced Beagles. Our program is funded by private donations. 100% of all donations, and adoption fees go to veterinary care for rescue Beagles that come into our program.
PO Box 236, Estacada OR US 97023 Ph: 5037150965
http://www.cwbcrescue.com Email: brescue@cwbcrescue.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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