We are an all-breed dog and cat rescue group
12825 Metz Rd, Sanger TX US 76266 Ph: 2144765962
http://www.casadecritters.com Email: casa@casadecritters.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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We operate a cage-free sanctuary for special needs cats: FIV+, feline leukemia (FeLV)+, and displaced ferals.
PO Box 31302, Tucson AZ US 85751 Ph: 5208810900
http://CasaDeLosGatos.org Email: info@CasaDeLosGatos.org
 Cats |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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The mission of Cascade Beagle Rescue, Inc. is to place purebred Beagles into loving permanent homes and to provide educational resources to help prevent future displaced Beagles.
19210 SW Martinazzi Ave #601, Tualatin OH US 97062 Ph: 5032994084Fax: 8662024223
http://www.cascadebrescue.org Email: BeagleRESQ@CascadeBRescue.org
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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The Cascade Ferret Network (CFN), a 501(C)(3) tax exempt corporation, is different from traditional ferret shelters: instead of housing the ferrets in a single place, the CFN depends upon a network of qualified foster homes, each of which cares for only a few ferrets at a time.The Cascade Ferret Network provides humane care and adoption opportunities for rescued, abandoned, abused, or otherwise homeless domestic ferrets. Loving temporary or permanent homes are provided by a network of qualified foster parents until an adoption opportunity matches a ferret with a good home. The CFN provides advice, referrals and volunteer opportunities.
PO Box 14884, Portland OR US 97293 Ph: 5032310887
http://www.cascade-ferret.org Email: ferret@cascade-ferret.org
 Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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Cascades Humane Society's mission is to ensure responsible treatment of animals, to decrease the number of abused and unwanted animals, and to conduct community programs which promote quality animal care.
1515 Carmen Dr., Jackson MI US 49202 Ph: 5177886587
http://www.cascadeshumanesociety.org Email: mary@cascadeshumanesociety.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Cascades Humane Society's mission is to ensure responsible treatment of animals, to decrease the number of abused and unwanted animals, and to conduct community programs which promote quality animal care.
1515 Carmen Drive, Jackson MI US 49202 Ph: 5177877387
http://www.cascadeshumanesociety.org Email: adopt@cascadeshumanesociety.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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CRC is a non-profit nature center and wildlife hospital founded in 1987. In its first few years, the educational programs of the Raptor Center only took birds to schools and public events, but in early 1994, CRC moved to its current location on a wooded hillside in southeast Eugene and opened to the public.
CRC is a non-profit nature center and wildlife hospital founded in 1987. In its first few years, the educational programs of the Raptor Center only took birds to schools and public events, but in early 1994, CRC moved to its current location on a wooded hillside in southeast Eugene and opened to the public.
CRC is a non-profit nature center and wildlife hospital founded in 1987. In its first few years, the educational programs of the Raptor Center only took birds to schools and public events, but in early 1994, CRC moved to its current location on a wooded hillside in southeast Eugene and opened to the public.
CRC's Mission is to preserve a healthy, viable population of birds of prey and other wildlife in their natural habitat. To accomplish this, CRC has two primary goals:
Public Education designed to enhance the awareness, respect, appreciation, and care of the earth and all its inhabitants so critical for a balanced and healthy planet. CRC uses live, permanently disabled/non-releasable birds, along with visual media and written material, to create a positive, first-hand experience of wildlife through
â—Šon-site visits to the Nature Center
â—Šoff-site presentations and exhibits at schools and public events.
Rehabilitation and release of orphaned, sick, and injured wildlife, primarily birds of prey (raptors), using the highest standards of medical treatment and care, and the best facilities possible.
32275 Fox Hollow Road PO Box 5386, Eugene OR US 97405 Ph: 5414851320Fax: 5414854586
http://www.eraptors.org Email: info@eRaptors.org
 Birds |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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Cascadia Basset Rescue is an all-volunteer organization that takes in Basset Hounds that have been relinquished by their owners, abandoned, or picked up by Animal Control as strays.
9121 Littlerock Rd SW, Olympia WA US 98512
http://www.bassetrescue-wa.org Email: sylvie@seanet.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Casey Creek Horse Rescue and Adoption, Inc has been adopting nursemare foals into caring homes since 1999.
624 Wilson Creek Rd., Casey Creek KY US 42728 Ph: 2707894198
http://www.orphanfoals.org Email: Desperado_55@yahoo.com
 Horses |
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The Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society is located in the small town of Cashiers, North Carolina, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was founded in the fall of 1987 by a group of concerned citizens to care for the injured, lost and abandoned dogs and cats in the community. In 1992, through the generosity of a local resident, CHHS was able to open the Zoe Marvil Society Center's shelter on a 10-acre site just 2.3 miles from the center of Cashiers. The shelter features indoor dog kennels and cages for cats. It also has a cat community room plus 7 large outdoor exercise runs for dogs. The CHHS is a private, non-profit organization. Our non-profit Federal I.D. # is 58-1798769.
PO Box 638, Cashiers NC US 28717 Ph: 8287435752Fax: 8287437892
http://www.1-800-save-a-pet.com/cgi-bin/public/shelter-details.cgi/display?shelter_id=1 Email: cahs638@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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