AAN believes that all animals merit attention and concern and that animals are not ours to eat, wear, or otherwise exploit. In order to educate people about cruelty to animals, AAN sponsors demonstrations, engages in community outreach with information tables at festivals and fairs, and meets with elected officials and company representatives. AAN networks with other animal protection organizations and with progressive movements that work for the environment and for social justice.
PO Box 9039, Alexandria VA US 22304 Ph: 7034613283
http://www.actionforanimalsnetwork.org Email: anmlntwrk@erols.com
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Actors and Others for Animals is a California 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to the promotion of the humane treatment of animals. Our main mission is to curb the pet overpopulation problem by subsidizing spay/neuter surgeries. Together with other vital services, we are there to help pet guardians living on a low and/or fixed income care for their beloved companions.
1523 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood CA US 91601 Ph: 8187556323Fax: 8187556048
http://www.actorsandothers.com Email: newemail@actorsandothers.com
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Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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Dr. Kumar has a small clinic in Villa Park. He always helps no matter what the problem is or your income. And he has a heart of gold. Always looking to help the animals (not just about money).
1031 W. North Ave., Villa Park IL US 60181 Ph: 6309161600Fax: 6309161516
http://il.local.yahoo.biz/adparkpetclinic/contactus.html Email2: susana_regan@yahoo.com
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Vet OnSite

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Our mission is to provide a temporary shelter to homeless animals. We provide a place where qualified applicants can choose animals to adopt. We also provide basic veterinary services for our animals. It is our goal that all of our animals find a loving home in which they will enjoy a safe, comfortable life.
PO Box 481, Kirksville MO US 63501 Ph: 6606658038
http://kirksvillecity.com/HumaneSociety/humane-society.htm Email: adairhumanesociety@yahoo.com.
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$Donate to this Organization here$
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Org # 7655 |
Animal Control |
Adams County Animal Control`
7685 Dahlia St., Commerce City CO US 80022 Ph: 3032883294
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2168 S. 300 E., Decatur IN US 46733 Ph: 2606926819
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Who We Are
We are a very small, poor dog pound located in West Union, OH. We are working very hard to implement positive changes in this small , old concrete block gassing dog pound. Althoug still a gassing pound, we DO NOT gas puppies, senior dogs or sick dogs! Many dogs now go to rescues and are adopted because of people just like you
11260 St. Rt. 41, West Union OH US 45693 Ph: 9375442431
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OH505.html Email: adamsctydogs@yahoo.com
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-The Adams County Humane Society has been in existence since 1988.
-There are many loving dogs and cats waiting to be adopted.
-We handle approximately 500 dogs and cats per year.
-We are open from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday through Saturday.
1982 11th Avenue PO Box 375, Friendship WI US 53934 Ph: 6083396700
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The Adams County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a private, non-profit, 501 (c)(3) charitable organization that serves Adams County and functions under a governing board elected by the membership. Its purposes are to provide effective means of preventing abuse of animals, to assist in the enforcement of public laws enacted for the protection of animals, and to house and find homes for stray and unwanted animals. We operate the only Animal Shelter that accepts animals from all Adams County municipalities. At our Shelter, stray, abandoned, injured or unwanted animals are cared for and made available for adoption. In addition to operating the Animal Shelter we also employ a humane officer to assist in the enforcement of Pennsylvania's anti-cruelty laws. We participate in a radio-broadcast "lost and found" pets service. As a public service, we provide low-cost rabies clinics twice a year, we regularly take pets on visits to area nursing homes to provide special recreation for the residents, and we provide educational presentations for youth organizations on resposible care of animals. We also maintain a pet cemetery where owners may purchase burial plots for their pets. The SPCA receives no federal funding and little state funding. Most of the money to operate the Animal Shelter and to provide its other services must be raised locally through adoption fees, annual membership dues, tax-deductible donations, memorial gifts and bequests, voluntary contributions from municipalities and the county, and through fundraising projects like the annual Loyalty Walk and "$100-A-Day" Raffle.
11 Goldenville Road, Gettysburg PA US 17325 Ph: 7173348876
http://www.1-800-save-a-pet.com/shelterpages/70179.html Email: gburgspca@superpa.net
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Special Need Animals
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We are a small "grass roots" group dedicated to saving strays, abandoned, and abused animals. We also "pull" animals from several local shelters, mostly animals that have hours left before euthanasia. Most of those animals pulled from the shelters are requests from the shelter directors and cooridnators. WE DO NOT take any owner surrendered animals as it our philosphy that since there are plenty of other rescue groups that will take those animals, we will help those who need us most
8051 Laurel Oaks Lane, Tuscaloosa AL US 35405 Ph: 2057591100
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Special Need Animals
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