A.C.T.’s primary focus is to promote humane feral cat population management. We trap feral cats (cats that were born wild, or have become wild due to the neglect or abandonment by people), spay and neuter them, return them to their colony (where they were living), and feed them for the rest of their lives. A.C.T. can provide information to anyone wishing to become involved with this activity, known as Trap Neuter Return. Our secondary focus is to subsidize the spay and neuter of the companion cats and dogs of low income families. About 60% of all unaltered cats go feral in 3 to 4 years. We are always desparately in need of funds to carry on this work and welcome donations of any amount. We are a 501 ( c ) (3) non profit organization so all donations are tax deductible. A.C.T. is an all volunteer organization so all donations go for helping the cats and dogs.
PO Box 951, Winthrop WA US 98862 Ph: 5099962292
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/WA180.html Email: patse@mymethow.com/ Email2: rescueranch@my methow.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We are a tiny, in-home rescue that is run by a wife and husband. Abandoned Companions would like to expand some day with the help of volunteers willing to provide loving foster homes. Currently, we cannot accept any new pets until others are adopted. We will not take in any more animals than we can love and care for properly
, Portsmouth OH US
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH643.html Email: cheryl61@falcon1.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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bandoned Pet Rescue (APR) founded in 1996, is a 501 ( c ) (3) IRS tax-exempt, qualified charitable organization that rescues and shelters abandoned, abused, and neglected pets, rehabilitates them and finds them new homes. APR is one of the largest no kill animal shelters in South Florida, where volunteers perform the duties of running the shelter operations on a day to day basis. APR is devoted to the welfare of all animals. Most of the over 500 animals are Cats, Dogs, Bunnies, Birds, Parrots, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Mice, Rats, Iguanas, and other animals in need of help. While pet over population is declining throughout the country, the number of animals brought to South Florida shelters is increasing. APR's primary goal is to assemble a no-kill community. This is quite a daunting task, nonetheless, APR is making a valuable contribution to the animal community and will continue to do so as long as support is provided from generous donors.
1137 NE 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale FL US 33304 Ph: 9547289010
http://www.abandoned-pet-rescue.com/ABRHOMEPAGE.htm Email: apr954@bellsouth.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |  Horses |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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We are a So. Calif. non-profit rescue group. We are looking for experienced terrier owners who are interested in adopting abandoned & homeless purebred Wire Fox Terriers, Welsh Terriers, Lakeland Terriers, & Airedale Terriers
, Somis CA US 93066 Ph: 8053863757
http://www.geocities.com/atrarescue/index.html Email: sheilaghada@aol.com Email2: ATRArescue@aol.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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We are a So. Calif. non-profit rescue group. We are looking for experienced terrier owners who are interested in adopting abandoned & homeless purebred Wire Fox Terriers, Welsh Terriers, Lakeland Terriers, & Airedale Terriers
, Somis CA US 93066 Ph: 8053863757
http://www.geocities.com/atrarescue/index.html Email: ATRArescue@aol.com Email2: sheilaghada@aol.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Though we try to help whomever we can, we are particularly active in the rehoming of German Shorthaired Pointers and Weimaraners. We are members of both breed clubs and take our commitment to these breeds to heart.
8875 Hwy 12, Delano MN US 55428 Ph: 7639722433
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MN183.html Email: info@abbielake.com
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Abby's is a brand new rescue group that saves the animals from the streets or on death row in a shelter. We are a non-profit and low-kill.
1039 Lavern Circle, Hendersonville TN US 37075 Ph: 6156421514
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TN342.html Email: tama@abbysbedandbiskit.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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ABC Basset Hound Rescue. ABCBHR is a 501 (c) 3 not-for profit, volunteer-run organization dedicated to finding Upstate, Western & Central New York?s homeless Basset Hounds a loving, second-chance for a forever home.
ABCBHR does not operate like a shelter. All our Bassets are placed in loving foster homes while they wait for a new forever home. While in foster care all outstanding medical is updated including but limited to annual shots, heartworm testing and spay/neutering
Po Box 463, North Collins NY US 14111- Ph: 5853920193
http://www.nybasset.org Email: infohound@nybasset.org
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Aberdeen Animal Shelter is a municipal entity, run by the Aberdeen Police Department. We accept stray Aberdeen animals at our shelter and then adopt them out to new homes.
409 S Monroe, Aberdeen WA US 98520 Ph: 3605373382
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/WA179.html Email: aberdeenac@aberdeeninfo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Aberdeen Area Humane Society
PO Box 1013, Aberdeen SD US 57402 Ph: 6052261200
 Cats |  Dogs |
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