Washington county-Johnson City Animal Control Center
They are a great organization but here in the past few they have just become so overwheled with animals. This is a very awsome organization and they keep it in tip-top shape for how many animals they have.
525 Sells Ave. Johnson City, Johnson City TN US 37643 Ph: 4239268769
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The Washington County/Johnson City Animal Control Center is an animal care and control agency that assumes a unique role in the community. Created as a joint venture between Johnson City and Washington County to enforce the animal control laws of the City and state. It protects the rights of people against the dangers and nuisances of uncontrolled animals and protects animals from mistreatment and abuse from people. Promoting, motivating and enforcing responsible pet ownership is our number one goal.
525 Sells Avenue, Johnson City TN US 37604 Ph: 4239268769Fax: 4239263644
http://tailchaser.org Email: jcanimalshelter@earthlink.net Email2: april@tailchaser.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
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We are a non-profit group dedicated to rescuing & rehoming ferrets around the Pacific Northwest.
13603 100th Ave NE, Kirkland WA US 98034 Ph: 2064422025
http://www.washingtonferret.org Email: washingtonferret@yahoo.com
 Ferrets |
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Washington German Shepherd Rescue's mission is to find loving homes for surrendered, abandoned or neglected dogs and puppies. As an all volunteer group, WGSR hopes to ease the problem of the population overflow occurring in many of our shelters today, and to educate the individual on the importance of sterilizing the pet and providing superior care.
Ph: 2064422025
http://www.washingtongsd.org Email: washingtonshepherds@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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The Washington Humane Society is the oldest animal protection agency in Washington, D.C. Since 1870, WHS has served homeless, lost, and abused animals in the District of Columbia; providing protection from cruelty, shelter from the elements, and a second chance at a loving home. No call for help goes unanswered, and no animal is ever turned away.
7319 Georgia Avenue, Washington DC US 20012 Ph: 2022348626
http://www.washhumane.org Email: diana.s@washhumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |  Pigs |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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, Seattle WA US 98119 Ph: 2062402211
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/WA195.html Email: rajadari1@msn.com
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Washington-Wilkes Humane Shelter / Association is an animal shelter located in WASHINGTON, GA. Please use the information above to contact Washington-Wilkes Humane Shelter / Association and save the life of an adoptable pet. Every year thousands of pets end up homeless and are in need of your help.
358 Brown Road, Washington GA US 30673 Ph: 7066782287Fax: 7066787152
http://www.animalshelter.org/shelters/Washington-Wilkes_Humane_Shelter__Associat Email: fantasy7269@alltel.net
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Special Need Animals
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Washoe County Regional Animal Services
The new combined shelter for Washoe County Regional Animal Services and the Nevada Humane Society opened on February 22, 2006.
2825 Longley Lane, Suite A & B, Reno NV US 89505 Ph: 7753538900
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Animal Services is a division of the Police Department. Our goal is to protect the health and safety of both humans and animals in the community. Animal Services promotes the humane treatment of animals and encourages responsible pet ownership. Animal Services aims to provide both professional and reliable services for the citizens and animals of Watauga.
5203 Watauga Road, Watauga TX US 76137 Ph: 8176569614
http://www.cowtx.org/aco/ACOIndex.htm Email: animalservices@cowtx.org
Special Need Animals
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Watauga County Animal Control is responsible for investigating animal cruelty, enforcing existing animal control laws, and managing stray animals.
336 Landfill Drive, Boone NC US 28607 Ph: 8282621672Fax: 8282620362
http://www.wataugacounty.org/animalcontrol/index.html Email: watco.pets@ncmail.net
 Cats |  Dogs |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |

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