We typically handle about 150 animals each year, educate about spay and neuter programs, education for responsible pet care, obedience training, and have a lost and found service for missing pets.
59 Granada Road, Arab AL US 35016 Ph: 2566531674
http://www.happypawshaven.org Email: DavidH@happypawshaven.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
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cats and dogs for adoption
660 Donnan Court, Aransas Pass TX US 78336 Ph: 3617580320
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX1078.html Email: cawall@cableone.net
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We are the animal control facility for the City of Aransas Pass in Texas. Aransas Pass is approximatly 25 north east of Corpus Christi, between Ingleside and Rockport, Texas.
235 East Wilson, Aransas Pass TX US 78336 Ph: 3617583111
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX817.html Email: aransaspasspets@yahoo.com
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Little Angels Rescue is a private, no-kill, 501c3 non-profit, small breed, dog rescue organization based in Arcadia, Florida. We specialize in finding homes for both purebred and mixed breed dogs. All of our "little angels" are treated as family until we locate the perfect adoptive home.
3288 SE Hansel Avenue, Arcadia FL US 34266 Ph: 8634940673
http://www.littleangelsrescue.org Email: dbolvin@desoto.net
 Dogs |
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DeSoto County Animal Services is a county run public safety and animal control facility dealing with community related animal control functions such as stray or unwanted animals, animals at large, cruelty/neglect, vicious animals and other nuisance animals. All stray animals are held for a 4 day impound period and then available for adoption on the 5th business day, excluding weekends. Donations of dog food, cat food, cat litter, toys, and other supplies are always appreciated.
2048 McKay Street, Arcadia FL US 34266 Ph: 8639934855Fax: 8639934711
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/FL322.html Email: j.foster@co.desoto.fl.us
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We do not operate from a shelter but rather a network of foster homes in different areas of the state so it may not always be possible for you to meet more than one of our dogs at a time. While this can be frustrating for a prospective adopter, the foster home setting allows us to better evaluate the dogs' temperaments and help them adjust to family life. We deal primarily with dogs under 30 pounds but will also take in larger dogs if a foster home is available
PO Box 3295, Arcadia FL US 34265 Ph: 8634916888
http://www.caninecastaways.org Email: CanineCastaways@hotmail.com
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We are a small, family operated, 501(c)3 non-profit Oklahoma Corporation that was started by Dana and Chris Venters in June 2001. We try to help any creature that crosses our path and is in need of assistance. We provide whatever medical, psychological, physical and nutritional care the animal needs. Of course, this is expensive and we depend entirely on tax-deductible contributions from family, friends, and supporters. We especially try to help elderly and handicapped animals and people. Hopefully, you will find one or more of your true life-long companion animals here. Thank you for visiting our website. Call us if you would like to see one of the animals. If you would like to make a contribution to help the animals please mail it to: PO Box 358, Arcadia, OK 73007. Thank you. We'll keep you posted on our "work in progress".
PO Box 358, Arcadia OK US 73007 Ph: 4054145651
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OK81.html Email: cwv5@netzero.net
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Org # 5921 |
City=Arcata | Animal Control |
Animal Control is under the police department
736 F St., Arcata CA US 95521 Ph: 7078225464
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Rooterville is home to over 100 rescued animals. Most of our residents are pot bellied pigs because, well, we LOVE PIGS! Of course, we like other animals as well, and they are welcome here too, but there are very few places helping pot bellied pigs so, we are always busy! Because we believe that ALL animals are capable of suffering and feeling pain, we encourage everyone to choose a compassionate lifestyle by avoiding eating animals and using animal products. Being a vegetarian is better for you, the environment and definitely for the animals, especially the intelligent, gentle, sensitive and silly pig! At Rooterville, we know that "PIGS ARE FOR LOVIN', NOT THE OVEN!"
, Archer FL US 32618 Ph: 3524957473
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/FL508.html Email: piggyparade@aol.com
 Pigs |
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Org # 3232 |
City=Ardmore | Shelter | Hospital | Rescue |
We are a No Kill shelter for Cats, we provide medical care and TLC for cats of all ages, breeds and physical conditions.
We screen prospective human companions before releasing any cat from our care, it would be a pleasure to provide every one of our cats a loving home and keep doing this forever
8 E Lancaster Ave, Ardmore PA US 19003 Ph: 6106492273Fax: 6106496902
http://www.gentlecatdoctor.com Email: kimmypoet35@aol.com Email2: dootoonoo@aol.com
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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