Hope for the Animals is a no-kill, nonprofit dog and cat rescue organization located in Morrisville, PA (just north of Philadelphia). Our goal is to find loving, safe homes for unwanted dogs and cats of all breeds. We operate strictly from donations and with the help of many volunteers, which we are always desperately in need of.
PO Box 877, Morrisville PA US 19067 Ph: 2159456204
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This is a group of volunteers dedicated to rescuing displaced and homeless English Setters and fostering them and placing them in their forever homes.
, Morrisville PA US
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Triangle Iguana Rescue primarily serves areas within North Carolina, although we have a few affiliates in surrounding states. Our main focus is education. We strive to equip iguana owners with information to enable them to learn how to properly care for their iguanas. We also provide adoption and limited rehabilitation/rescue services. There are far more iguanas needing placement than we can ever take, as they are housed in individual foster homes rather than a shelter. Numerous iguanas have been on the waiting list for a foster home for over 6 months. Many times, we are able to offer advice on husbandry practices that make it possible for the iguana to stay in the home and once again become a member of the family. We require a detailed application, available upon request. We also require a home visit before the iguana goes home with you. We do NOT ship. The adoption fee varies, mostly based on the size of the iguana.
PO Box 788, Morrisville NC US 27560
http://www.triangleiguanarescue.com Email: brant003@mc.duke.edu
 Reptiles |
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North Country Animal League began as the Lamoille County Adoption Service in 1990. In 1994 501(C3) nonprofit status was acquired and our name changed to North Country Animal League. We are a limited access facility and we serve our community through humane education programs, spay/neuter, and housing and adoption of homeless animals.
3524 Laporte Road, Morrisville VT US 05661 Ph: 8028885065
http://www.ncal.com Email: adopt@ncal.com
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We are a ridiculously joyful rescue that deals almost exclusively with puppymill and breeder rejects. The "flaw" is usually that the adults are no longer profitable in the number of pups they produce, or the pups are broker rejects. Sometimes the flaws are very apparent, sometimes they are as slight as a cut on the edge of an ear or a tail too short. The majority of Flawdogs live here, but two wonderful neighboring families now foster their own batches of hooligans, also. There are different phone numbers for different dogs because we believe you should talk to the person living with the dog.....that way you get the most accurate information we can give...firsthand.
PO Box 99, Morse MIll MO US 63066 Ph: 6362742511
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MO256.html Email: gnsives@aol.com
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The mission of the Humane Society of the Palouse is to ensure the humane treatment, welfare and safety of companion animals in Moscow and Latah county. We strive to prevent cruelty to animals, ensure that companion animals are adopted by responsible and caring owners, to promote spay and neuter, to educate the public regarding responsible pet ownership and to minimize euthanasia.
2019 White Avenue, Moscow ID US 83843 Ph: 2088831166
http://www.humanesocietyofthepalouse.org Email: hsop@moscow.com
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dogs for adoption
1288 Bees Run Rd, Moscow OH US 45153 Ph: 5138762864
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH595.html Email: pam@royalkennels.com
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Heart of America Poodle and Friends K9 rescue saves shelter dogs, stray dogs, and unwanted dogs. They are fully vetted, spay/neutered,micro chipped, observed, crate trained, and socialized. We do our best to find these dogs good "forever" homes
, Moscow Mills MO US Ph: 6363664417
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO41.html Email: heartofamerica99@aol.com
 Dogs |
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Org # 10988 |
City=Moses Lake | Rescue |
Incorporated in 1976, the Moses Lake-Grant County Humane Society is a charitable, non profit, organization committed to the humane treatment of all animals. We are dedicated to the prevention of fear, pain, neglect, and suffering.
6725 Randolph Road, Moses Lake WV US 98837 Ph: 5097629616
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These dogs are not hunting dogs. They are pampered pets who are used to being in the house. If you are a hunter looking for another dog, please look elsewhere. These dogs are not for you. You absolutely MUST have a fence if you're considering adopting one of these hounds.
, Moulton AL US 35650 Ph: 2569741840
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/AL73.html Email: carri895@bellsouth.net
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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