We are a no kill rescue working to find homes for homeless and unwanted animals and the ones that are said to be not adoptable, We do are very best to insure good life long loving homes for our animals. We provide them with everything they need and could want during there stay here at our rescue. If they have a issue of any kind we work with them on there issue. We take in ANY animal as long as we have the space and equipment they need to care for them properly. We do NOT charge surrender fee's to there owners, its hard enough for them to give up there beloved pet(s) much less pay for them to get there forever homes. So we do not charge surrender fee's and we do our best to get them homes that the adopter and the pet can feel confortable with. Our rescue is operated out of our home so they each get the attention they need and deserve, Sometimes we foster our animals and can always use more fosters. If you would like to be considered a foster please email for a foster application. All our animals are VERY happy with there stay here while there new forever homes are being found. If anyone would like any more information please feel free to contact us with any and all questions. We will be more then happy to answer them!
, Lyndon Station WI US 53944 Ph: 6085470192
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/WI208.html Email: recycled_pets@yahoo.com
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Green Mountain Pug Rescue is a 501 (c) (3) non profit rescue group of volunteers within Vermont here to help pugs. They are placed in foster homes with dedicated volunteers for evaluation and vet visits which include: getting them up to date on shots, spaying/neutering them if needed.
Green Mountain Pug Rescue is supported by an all volunteer staff. We are only able to help pugs through the generous monetary donations and volunteer time that people graciously give.
14 Pine Ridge Circle, Lyndonville VT US 05851 Ph: 8026268280
http://www.gmpr.org Email: vtpugs@charter.net
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15305 44th Ave. West, Lynnwood WA US 98087 Ph: 4257872500
http://www.paws.org Email: info@paws.org
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$Donate to this Organization here$
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The Mission of P.A.A.W.S. is three-fold. First, to operate as a shelter to take in and find appropriate homes for abandoned or abused animals, and to operate as a sanctuary for animals that have not been adopted or whose owners have died or been put in nursing homes. Second, to educate the public on responsible pet ownership. Third, to educate the public on the benefits of spaying/neutering pets to control pet population and to assist with the costs of spaying/neutering.
Box 333, Lyons TX US 77863 Ph: 9795354059
http://www.paaws-tx.org/index.shtml Email: info@paaws-tx.org
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Org # 9093 |
City=Lyons | Shelter |
Pearland Shelter
3519 Liberty Dr, Lyons TX US 77581 Ph: 2816521970
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We are an organization that works with stray & feral cats in Greene County, IN. We have created the "Stray Cat Paradise" which is a safe haven for stray cats and feral cats that for some reason can no longer be with their colony. The cats who live here are offered a different life than they had on the street because they are warm in winter and cool in summer. They have a home like setting with resin furniture, soft beds, plenty of toys , food ,water, and lots of LOVE & ATTENTION. Stray Cat Paradise was started in August of 2002. We also rescue and adopt out many cats and kittens to loving, responsible and permanent homes
Rt 1 Box 400, Lyons IN US 47443
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN237.html Email: jcat@bluemarble.net
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Org # 2217 |
City=Lyons | Shelter |
The GCFA is a Non-Profit organization with both a Ferret Shelter & Club.
We are the Oldest and Largest Ferret Association in the Greater Chicago Area!
In trying to come up with a mission statement that would reflect what G.C.F.A. is all about, and how the volunteer's that help us feel about what they do. I chose this short story that was written by someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
An old man was walking along a beach after a particularly high and violent tide had receded, leaving thousands of starfish stranded above the waterline to die. Ahead of him he saw a youth, bending down and then standing to fling something into the waves. Coming closer, he saw the youth was tossing starfish back into the ocean where they had a chance.
"Why bother?" the old man told the youth. "There are thousands here. You can't toss them all back before they die. You can't even toss a small fraction of them back in time. What you're doing doesn't matter."
The youth pondered that a moment, looking at the starfish he held in his hand. "It matters to this one," he replied, and threw it back into the water.
This is all that anyone can ask and/or do. If you can, help us save one more!!!
Po Box 3, Lyons IL US 60534 Ph: 7084428650Fax: 7084428650
http://www.gcfa.com Email: info@gcfa.com
 Ferrets |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Every Creature Counts is a non-profit no-kill, no-cage dog and cat sanctuary located outside Lyons, Colorado. We provide a wide range of services and programs.
PO Box 1683, Lyons CO US 80540 Ph: 3035462704
http://www.everycreaturecounts.org Email: savealife@everycreaturecounts.org
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The mission of the Wayne County Humane Society Animal Shelter is to provide a humane facility to shelter, feed and care for lost, unwanted and abused animals of Wayne County, New York and to provide a facility for humane education to citizens of Wayne County.
1475 County House Road, Lyons NY US 14489 Ph: 3159463389Fax: 3159469132
http://www.hswaynepets.org/about/mission.htm Email: humane@usadatanet.net
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Founded in 2007, Lucky Paws Animal Rescue is dedicated to saving and serving abandoned dogs and cats in Medina County and San Antonio TX. We are a network of volunteers fostering in our homes. The more volunteers who join us, the more animals we can save.
Po Box 1148, Lytle TX US 78052
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/TX1055.html Email: texasluckypaws@lycos.com
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Special Need Animals
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