711 Co. Rt. 48, Altmar NY US 13302 Ph: 3152988686
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY347.html Email: WBIGTANDBOO@aol.com
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Kat 5 Animal Rescue is a grassroots, non-profit corporation designed for the protection of animals when natural or man-made disasters strike and to protect animals when they are discovered to be in harms way
584 Line Church Road, Alto GA US 30510 Ph: 7703667118
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/GA488.html Email: dogsneedyou@gmail.com Email2: kat5animalrescue@yahoo.com
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Horses for adoption
12992 State Highway 21 East, Alto TX US 75925 Ph: 9364042529
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Special Need Animals
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We are a Rescue which means we physically go and save lives. Hope pulls animals on their last day of life from animal control facilities that still use the inhumanne gas chamber to put to death homeless pets. We lobby our goverment to ban the use of such chambers for they are cruel. For anyone who does not understand how a gas chamber works we can tell you that they do not die immediately, they do not die peacefully, they die thrown together with cats, dogs, puppies all trying to escape the chamber and breath. It is much like being suffocated. Please help, write your congressman, write your mayor, be active in this and help us to stop the cruelty.
, Alton IL US 62002 Ph: 6184639983
http://www.hoperescues.com Email: admin@hoperescues.com
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MONICA'S HEART is a non-profit organization incorporated in December 1996 located in Central Pennsylvania. We are an all volunteer organization dedicated to finding good homes for GREYHOUNDS who have finished their racing careers.
1408 E. Hamilton Lane, Altoona PA US 16602 Ph: 8149423145
http://www.monicasheart.com Email: obie@alt3.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Animals are available for adoption to residents living within the adoption area of the Humane Society. All persons living in household are encouraged to be involved in the selection of the pet. If single and living at home with parents, one parent must be present at the time of adoption.
1837 E. Pleasant Valley Blvd., Altoona PA US 16602 Ph: 8149425402Fax: 8149428505
http://www.centralpahumanesociety.org Email: cphs@altoonarail.net
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Since 2000 I have involved myself compassionately in the Chow breed; founding a small breed-specific rescue, participating in AKC conformation events, and attending my first National Specialty show in Washington - 2006. In this short time frame I've met a lot of experienced individuals, asked a slew of questions, read dozens of articles, experienced many of the copious breed-specific health problems, absorbed quite a bit of information, and formed opinions on the breed's future based on the information received and what I know of the past and present dogs I've observed - rescue activities not omitted.
, Altoona PA US Ph: 8149436522
http://members.petfinder.org/~PA241/rescuechow.html Email: BraseChowChows@verizon.net
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Dogs Deserve Better is a nonprofit organization dedicated to freeing the chained dog, and bringing our 'best friend' into the home and family.
, Altoona PA US Ph: 8149417447
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/dogsdeservebettermaine.html Email: DDBMaine@yahoo.com
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We are a volunteer organization in Alturas, California. Our meetings are normally on the third Wednesday of the month at Corner Deli. Our recent Adopt a Pet days have been very successful.
PO Box 1383, Alturas CA US 96101 Ph: 5302339277
http://www.hdo.net/~hphs/ Email: hpus@hdo.net
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Altus Animal Aid is a non-profit 501c (3) animal rescue located in Southwest Oklahoma. We started rescuing in Jan. 2000 from local animal control shelters and owner turn-ins. We started with a small number of foster homes and others we transported to Vernon Humane Society, Operation Kindness, Sooner Golden Retriever Rescue and 3B Rescue just to name a few. We did volunteer work at our local animal control shelter to help provide better living conditions for those housed there for owner reclaim and adoption. We provide food, treats, bedding, walks and most of all LOVE! Animal Aid provides educational information for the community on immunization, spay/neuter and teach area children on pet safety and how to be responsible pet owners. Only with the help of our members, volunteers and you donations can we continue to provide for the unwanted and abandoned animals here in Altus and the Texoma area.
2200 Enterprise Dr., Altus OK US 73521 Ph: 5804770807
http://www.altusanimalaid.org Email: adopt@altusanimalaid.org
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