We are a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status. We are volunteers working to keep Jackson County pet-friendly and help reduce the population of unwanted animals through education and prevention. We encourage all pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered! Our focus is reducing the unwanted pet population through prevention and we've helped 220 animals to date.
PO Box 71, Gainesboro TN US 38562 Ph: 9312681866
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TN287.html Email: kalamity56@yahoo.com
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Stephanie's Animal Shelter began as a private shelter and rescue home located in Gainesville, NY. The home-based shelter accepts most animals, cats, dogs or potbelly pigs right on up too goats, horses and so much more
5370 Lamont Road, Gainesville NY US 14066 Ph: 5854932309
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY410.html Email: Stephanie14066@yahoo.com
Special Need Animals
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The goal of the Humane Society of Hall County
is to prevent neglect, cruelty, and exploitation of animals.
We are to assure that their interests and well being are fully,
Effectively and humanely protected by an aware and caring society
845 W. Ridge RD, Gainesville GA US 30501 Ph: 7705326617
http://www.humanesocietyofhallco.com Email: HSHC1@bellsouth.net
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Lake Lanier Humane League is a network of foster homes and caring volunteers who work together in an effort to place rescue animals into loving, permanent homes. It is only with the support of the community and the veterinarians we work with that we are able to work as a rescue group. Our goal is to help as many abused, misplaced, abandoned and neglected animals that still have so much to offer if just given a second opportunity and find them forever homes
, Gainesville GA US 30506 Ph: 4043584498
http://www.lanierpets.com Email: lanierpets@gmail.com
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Special Need Animals
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Maddie's Pet Rescue Project of Alachua County is a community collaboration funded to end the killing of adoptable shelter dogs and cats in the city of Gainesville and the surrounding Alachua County by 2007.
The collaboration’s lead agency is the no-kill Alachua County Humane Society. Other partners include Alachua County Animal Services, Gainesville Pet Rescue, Haile's Angels Pet Rescue, Helping Hands Pet Rescue and Puppy Hill Farm.
Since 2000, Gainesville's rescue and animal control facilities impounded 11,461 dogs and cats; 8,062 were killed. Of those, approximately 3,664 were healthy and adoptable.
In the first year of Maddie's Pet Rescue Project, the partners significantly increased the number of adoptions while dramatically decreasing the number of dogs and cats euthanized at Alachua County Animal Services. Our goal for the first quarter was to limit the animals euthanized to 705. Through the hard work and dedication of our partners and volunteers and the caring nature of the community, we exceeded our goal and only 334 animals were euthanized.
Our goal this year is to find permanent, loving homes for approximately 300 animals every month and to drastically decrease the number of healthy and adoptable animals euthanized.
Help us reach our goal this year.
c/o Alachua County Humane Soci 2029 NW 6th Street, Gainesville FL US 32609 Ph: 3523731087Fax: 3523731087
http://www.maddiespetrescueofalachua.org/contact_us.shtml Email: info@maddiespetrescueofalachua.org
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In addition to handling lost and abandoned animals, Alachua County Animal Services offers a wide range of services. You can view adoptable animals online and keep an eye out for that perfect pet from the comfort of your own home.
3400 NE 53rd Avenue, Gainesville FL US 32609 Ph: 3529552333Fax: 3529552338
http://www.animalservices.alachua.fl.us Email: rsim@alachua.fl.us
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Florida Great Pyrenees Club
The Florida Great Pyrenees Club (FGPC) was formed in April, 1997, as a regional club. From that original meeting, at which there were about a dozen people, we have grown to more than 200 members. We now have members from Miami to Tallahassee!
Our primary goals are:
(1) to maintain and further the integrity of the breed;
(2) to hold regular club meetings, matches, public education, and fun activities for members;
(3) to exchange ideas regarding care, behavior, training, health, and breeding for Pyrs; and
(4) to be active in Great Pyrenees rescue.
Our club became affiliated with the Great Pyrenees Club of America (GPCA) in December 1999. We recently completed our incorporation as a non-profit Florida corporation, and we are currently working toward formal AKC affiliation and endorsement
14208 NW 61st Lane, Gainesville FL US 32653 Ph: 3523323259
Email: ttregear@floridapyrs.org
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Feline Friends is a small foster program offering cats and kittens for adoption. All cats enter the adoption program from the College of Veterinary Medicine. Unfortunately, we do not have room to accept stray cats or owner-relinquished cats from the public. Cats and kittens are FeLV and FIV negative, vaccinated with FVRCP, FeLV, and rabies (if old enough), and receive monthly flea and heartworm preventive. In addition, all cats and kittens are spayed or neutered before adoption.
PO Box 141023, Gainesville FL US 32614 Ph: 3523924700
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/FL12.html Email: felinefriends@mail.vetmed.ufl.edu
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Gainesville Pet Rescue...... celebrating over 10 years of saving the lives of more than 3,500 animals. Our goal is to make "The Perfect Match" between you and your potential new pet.
600 NW 75th Street Suite C, Gainesville FL US 32607 Ph: 3523311087Fax: 3523311088
http://www.gainesvillepetrescue.org Email: GvillePetRescue@aol.com
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Special Need Animals
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The Alachua County Humane Society, Inc. is a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Florida. Our vision is that all animals are respected, valued and treated humanely. Our mission in Alachua County is to prevent cruelty to all animals, advocate responsible animal guardianship, educate the public about animal welfare, implement programs that increase the number of sterilized companion animals and increase adoptions of homeless animals.
2029 NW 6th Street, Gainesville FL US 32609 Ph: 3523735855Fax: 3523731087
http://www.alachuahumane.org Email: bgoodman@alachuahumane.org
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Vet OnSite
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