Hamtramck Cat Assistance Team HCAT is a group of volunteers concerned and involved with the care of Hamtramck's homeless cat and kitten population. As each cat is humanely captured it is examined by a Vet and given the necessary medical care, tested for infectious; life threatening diseases, vaccinated, treated for fleas and spayed or neutered. Next the cats/kittens are evaluated. Those with the potential for domestication are placed in foster homes where they are socialized in preparation for placement in permanent loving homes. Others are released where they were rescued with volunteers providing food, water and discreet shelter.
100 Riverfront #1611, Detroit MI US 48226 Ph: 3132596558
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI459.html Email: Therescuers2@aol.com
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Org # 9801 |
City=Detroit Lakes | Rescue |
We are a caring group of volunteers who wish to establish and maintain a permanent shelter which will provide temporary housing for the animals. To involve a wide variety of people and educate them about overpopulation.The Becker County Humane Society is dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to animals through education, public awareness and prompt response to needs arising from specific complaints.
PO 1506, Detroit Lakes MN US 56501 Ph: 2188470511
http://www.bchspets.org Email: info@bchspets.org
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The Shelter Services Section of the San Bernardino County Animal Care & Control Program is responsible for housing, feeding, and caring for stray, abandoned, unwanted, and mistreated animals of all types and they provide a central point at which citizens may recover their lost pets or adopt a homeless animal.
19777 Shelter Way, Devore CA US 92407 Ph: 9098878055
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Org # 7471 |
City=Dewey | Shelter |
City of Dewey
409 E Don Tyler, Dewey OK US 74029 Ph: 9185342223
Email: deweypd@cableone.net
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It is the mission of Canine Angels to rescue the stray and unwanted dogs, puppies, and other animals in need found throughout our communities. We focus our energies on this task by providing a temporary home that provides a loving environment for our furry friends.
2179 Pulliam Mill Rd., Dewey Rose GA US 30634 Ph: 7062139001
http://www.negacanineangels.com/index.html Email: savek9angels@aol.com
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Muttley Crew Orphanage and Adoption Agency was formed to help meet the needs of the many abandoned, stray, and abused animals in our community. They all have value. It was a human that allowed them to be born in a country where over 10 million are killed annually. Over 1 million are killed in the DFW area annually. Our companions come to us under many different circumstances. They may be an accidental unwanted litter, the one abandoned at a dump and used for target practice, the one sitting on the side of the road waiting for the owner who will never return for them, the one that broke their chain and escaped, the puppies on a highway laying beside their dead mama, the arrested drug dealer?s puppy, the irresponsible result of a breeder, the one left behind when the owners moved, the one that ?got too big?, or the one beat and left for dead. The list could go on? unfortunately. We take these dogs into our homes and provide medical care, food, treats, soft beds, toys and lots of love. Each and every one has left little paw prints across our hearts.
P.O.Box 612204, DFW TX US 75261
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX445.html Email: misfits2luv@yahoo.com
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MCOAA was formed to help meet the needs of the many abandoned, stray, and abused animals in our community. We are focused on rescuing these dogs and finding these rescued pups their forever family who will provide them with love and attention in addition to their basic needs of food and shelter.
PO Box 612204, Dfw TX US 75261
http://members.petfinder.com/~TX445/index.html Email: misfits2luv@yahoo.com
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Special Need Animals
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We are a private non-profit organization willing to help any animal. I work out of my home with 2 beautiful acres fenced for the dogs to run and play. We don't discriminate any breed
9794 Cableline Rd, Diamond OH US 44412 Ph: 3303581770
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH613.html Email: puppyluvxx912@yahoo.com
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Animal Outreach strives to help end the pet overpopulation problem by offering spay/neuter services, regardless of income. We also try to help educate the public on the issues of pet owner responsibility through education programs and during pet adoptions. We are a NO-KILL shelter
6200 Enterprise Drive Suite "D, Diamond Springs CA US 95619 Ph: 5306422287
http://animaloutreachs.info/ Email: aniout@aol.com
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Org # 5365 |
City=DIAMOND SPRINGS, | Rescue |
El Dorado Humane Society
El Dorado Humane Society is an animal rescue located in DIAMOND SPRINGS, CA. Please use the information above to contact El Dorado Humane Society and save the life of an adoptable pet. Every year thousands of pets end up homeless, and are in need of your help.
484 Main Street, DIAMOND SPRINGS, CA US 95619 Ph: 5306422738
Email: edhs@directnet.com
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