We are an all volunteer organization dedicated to rescuing animals and finding wonderful "forever homes" for them
, Creston OH US 44217 Ph: 3304356040
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH533.html Email: LovedCreatures@aol.com
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Org # 421 |
City=CRESTON | Animal Control |
Creston Animal Control
PO Box 449, CRESTON IA US 50801 Ph: 8052270205
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We began as a group of area residents concerned about local animal overpopulation and needless euthanasia. All money raised is used for animal care and treatment.
PO Box 1262, Crestview FL US 32536
http://www.northokaloosahumanesociety.org Email: lalti@gulf.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Panhandle Animal Lovers
Friends - We are a group of friends rescuing homeless animals from the local animal control. If we do not rescue the animals, they will face certain death.
Non-Profit - We are a non-profit organization. Financial survival is strictly based on donations and the generosity of our kind supporters. All gifts and purchases are tax deductible.
Terrific Pets - We have terrific pets waiting for you! Why are they so terrific? Because all of our animals have proper vaccinations and are spayed or neutered before being placed in their forever homes. They are being cared for by kind care givers in temporary foster homes, so they are being socialized and are receiving initial training. We appreciate your visiting our terrific pets who are waiting for their special new forever home.
3363 Airport Road, Crestview FL US 32539 Ph: 8506834104
Email: pal@petlover.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Org # 4689 |
City=Crestwood | Shelter |
Welfare For Dogs Big & Tall
PO Box 793, Crestwood KY US 40014 Ph: 5022430006
Email: wdbt@myway.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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It provides for an Animal Control Officer and Park Rangers to pick up stray animals, rescue injured or ill animals, help residents resolve animal-related conflicts, enforce animal ordinances, and address wildlife issues and concerns. At the holdover facility in Whitecliff Park, housing is provided for impounded animals and adoption services are available for unclaimed pets.
, Crestwwod MO US Ph: 3047294868
http://www.ci.crestwood.mo.us Email: ssutton@ci.crestwood.mo.us
 Cats |  Dogs |
Average Rating: 3.0    (1 Feedbacks) View Feedback [Submit Feedback]
We are a small, foster-home-based rescue in Northwest Indiana and Northeast Illinois; our goal is to help get dogs/cats in high-kill shelters and animal controls into their forever homes. WE NEED YOU!!!! to help us do this; either by fostering an animal, donating needed supplies such as food, collars, leashes, treats, blankets, or medical care.
, Crete IL US 60417 Ph: 7086536442
http://west.petfinder.com/shelters/IL451.html Email: gw.th@hotmail.com
 Dogs |
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cats for adoption
, Crofton MD US 21114 Ph: 4105232626
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MD226.html Email: aptbrokers@aol.com
 Cats |
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Our ultimate goal is to teach "Responsible Pet Ownership" through public education. We speak frequently at local schools, daycares, libraries and civic groups. We believe that by educating our youth at an early age we can prevent future mistreatment and abuse of animals. We focus on "Bite Prevention", 4.7 Million people are bitten in the United States each year. The most common and most severe bites are to children. Educating children on the proper way to approach a dog is just as important as the proper care and treatment of a dog.
5 West Street, Cromwell CT US 06416 Ph: 8606352256
http://www.cromwellpd.com/Animal%20Control.htm Email: animalcontrol@cromwellpd.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We have been a non-profit, no-kill facility licensed by the State of Minnesota since 1981. Due to the concern for the animals being housed in substandard living conditions, financial constraints, pending litigation of a frivolous lawsuit as well as a severe lack of community involvement, the building was emptied of animals via adoption fairs at Petco and the remaining animals (9 dogs and 26 cats) were transported to the Animal Ark, a No-Kill animal shelter in Hastings, MN.
Po Box 125, Crookston MN US 56716 Ph: 2182817225
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MN97.html Email: pchsvolunteers@yahoo.com
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