Wyoming Basset Hound Rescue and Adoption serves Basset kind with the devotion that only love can provide. Bassets in need of help are cared for by an all volunteer group of dedicated people throughout Wyoming and surrounding states. Rescued Bassets are from pounds or shelters, or are lost, abandoned or unwanted by their owners. Our goal is to EVALUATE their disposition, insure that the dogs are in reasonable health and neutered, and then placed into a SUITABLE, LOVING, FOREVER home.
PO Box 2131, Cody WY US 82414
http://www.wyomingbassetrescue.com Email: basset@worland.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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Org # 9868 |
City=Cohasset | FosterHomes |
Friends for Animal Welfare
537 Riverside Street, Cohasset MN US 55721 Ph: 2183285053
Email: bmwvent@yahoo.com
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St. Croix Connection Puppy Rescue has formed a partnership with the Animal Welfare Center in St. Croix to save as many little lives as possible. Most of the pups are small mixed breeds including Chihuahua, Poodle, Dachshund, Spaniel and Terrier cross.
P.O.Box 105, Cohasset MA US 02025 Ph: 7813832597
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MA215.html Email: Joansoolai@aol.com
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Colbert Veterinary Rescue Services, Inc. provides care for abandoned, sick, and injured dogs and cats in Madison County, Georgia. We work out of Colbert Animal Hospital and in addition to caring for and finding homes for our rescued animals, our veterinarian, Dr. Gloria Andrews is actively trying to educate the local community on animal care and welfare by visiting local schools and heading up a committee that is drafting animal control regulations for Madison County.
6226 Highway 72 West, Colbert GA US 30628 Ph: 7067887387
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA377.html Email: colbertvet@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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Neenah Creek Pointer Rescue is devoted to finding loving and permenant homes for the dogs in our care. Many of our Pointers come from animal shelters as strays or dirctly from owners who did not understand our breed. Many have had previous hunt training, very few are truely "gun shy." All will be great family pets. It is very important to us to educate all potntial adopters on the care, training and exercise requirements of Pointers.
H3980 Chestnut Road, Colby WI US 54421 Ph: 7152234922
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI121.html Email: neenah_creek@solarus.biz
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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, Colchester VT US 05446 Ph: 8028781649
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VT28.html Email: newenglandanimalfriends@yahoo.com
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Helping Paws maintains a no kill policy and utilizes foster homes rather than a kennel type atmosphere. Our animals (primarily cats) are treated as members of the family in their temporary homes where their personality is assessed as to the type of person they need in order to lead a quality life.
PO Box 476, Colchester CT US 06415 Ph: 8602670496
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT166.html Email: helpingpaws@sbcglobal.net
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We are a small, private, no-kill, non-profit rescue dedicated to rescuing and re-homing abandoned animals who need and deserve new, loving forever-homes. We work out of foster homes and do not have a shelter facility. We do not accept "owner-turn-ins". Please do not email asking us to take in your pet due to moving, allergies, etc. We only generally rescue animals who are living on the streets or whose "time is up" (they will be euthanized) at municipal pounds. Adoption fees will vary from animal to animal, depending upon how much we've had to spend on the animal's care. For instance, animals who come to us already spayed/neutered will have a smaller adoption fee than those for whom we had to to pay for spay/neuter surgery. While some adoption fees may seem high, please note that we do not "make profits" on the animals we rescue and adopt out. Usually we SPEND more than we MAKE BACK from our adoption fees. The main purpose for charging an adoption fee is to help us partially off-set the costs incurred by the housing, the feeding and (especially) the veterinary care of our rescues. Your adoption donation helps us to help more animals in need!
, Colchester CT US 06415
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT275.html Email: heidimsw@yahoo.com
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Keep Us Purring is a home based rescue who relys on adoption fees, tag sales, can/bottle drives, food drives, as well as any type of donations from fellow animal lovers to help ANY pet , ANY where, in need. OUR main goal in fact, the purpose for this rescue was to get more education out to people on the benefits of Spay/Neuter and also funds to help pay for it when needed.
However do to the overwhelming need for help with the homeless we have made rescue and placement part of our program. Which now includes dogs/pups. We will take in pets who's time is up in a kill shelter. Occasionally we will take in pets from homes that can no longer care for them. There is a surrender fee. Only if space is avaliable and all other resources have been exhausted.
, Colchester CT US Ph: 8605378896
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CT183.html Email: KeepUsPurring@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The goal of our program is to find permanent and loving homes for "senior" dogs that have been displaced from their homes for one reason or another. We try to match these special dogs with the perfect companions for their remaining years.
1060 Gray-Wilmurt Road, Cold Brook NY US 13324 Ph: 3158267545
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY145.html Email: kipper01@ntcnet.com
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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