H.O.P.E. Safehouse, Inc.
(Help for Orphaned Pets through Education)
is a non-profit, all volunteer animal care organization, a ‘safehouse’ dedicated to the care and re-socialization of lost, injured, neglected, and abandoned pets. Through education and example, we extend the qualities of safety, shelter and compassion to all animals under our care, in our homes, on the streets and in the wild.
1911 Taylor Avenue, Racine WI US 53403 Ph:(262)634-4571Fax:(262)898-1596
http://www.hopesafehouse.org Email: hopesafehouse@core.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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The Mission of The Southeastern Wisconsin Herding Dog Rescue Program is "TO HELP SHELTIES AND SELECTED OTHER HERDING BREEDS IN NEED AND TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ON RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP" First and foremost the SWHDR rescue program is to be concerned with the welfare of the dogs in our program and to treat each dog as an individual case dealt with fairly and with the best interest of the dog in mind. Secondly, we want the homes that these dogs are adopted into to be the best possible match to the needs of the dog and the adopting home.
Our adopted dogs have acquired many performance titles, junior showmanship wins, Obedience, Agility. Herding, K-9 good citizen titles. Our dogs have done demos, visits to nursing homes, they've even been on TV.... and lived their lives as beloved pets.
4406 Wood Road, Racine WI US 53403 Ph:(262)554-2048
http://wiherdingrescue.com/index.html Email: rescue@wiherdingrescue.com Email2: sheltie4u@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Org # 1768 |
City=Racine | Shelter |
Orphaned Kanines
To help those that can't help themselves. A No-Kill Shelter that provides a second chance to dogs that due to old age or no fault of their own are surrendered by their owners.
1922 Kremer Avenue, Racine WI US 53402 Ph:(262)681-1415
 Dogs |

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Who We Are Critter Adoption Maintenance Program We are a NOT-FOR-PROFIT animal rescue. We are in the process of getting our 501C3 We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and stay in contact with our adoptive parents. We provide education and assistance throughout the pets life. Most of our animals come to us directly from the owners whom for many reasons can not take care of the pet any longer. Reasons ranging from lost of interest to divorce and sometimes even the owners death. We ask for all supplies. Such as cages, dishes, water bottles, food, the pets toys, anything we can use to make the transition as comfortable as possible for the animal and the foster home. We use our own homes and also many responsible foster homes to house all of the animals in our program. Only a few animals at a time are accepted into CAMP. That keeps our hands on training and care quality at its best.
2711-16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph:(262)939-1619
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
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Silver Lining Pet Rescue is dedicated to matching loving homes to homeless pets.
Pmb 32 3900 Erie Street, Suite A, Racine WI US 53402
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI270.html Email: orangeleturt@gmail.com
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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We are a small group of people that found a need in our area for a program to rehome small animals. We re-home everything from Dogs and Cats to Mice and Reptiles. We strive to re-home for life and provide education and assistance throughout the pets life, therefore we stay in contact with our adoptive parents.
2711 16th Street, Racine WI US 53405 Ph:(262)770-2496
http://members.petfinder.org/~WI169/index.html Email: momgerber2001@excite.com
 Cats |  Dogs |  Birds |  Reptiles |  Rabbits |  Rodents |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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As an experienced and growing rescue organization, it is the mission of Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. to accept Maltese dogs that their owners, for whatever reason, can no longer take care of. Some of these dogs are abandoned or stray, and they come to us from shelters all over the country. Our organization is made up entirely of volunteers who are dedicated to saving these little white fluffy dogs
3601 Wright Avenue, Racine WI US 53405 Ph:(262)633-9371
http://malteserescue.homestead.com/RescueNEWS.html Email: malteserescue@hotmail.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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in late 2002, it was as if someone placed an invisible, 250,000 WATT, BLINKING, NEON sign in the sky directly above our house that said, "LOST OR WOUNDED ANIMALS, COME HERE FOR HELP!", because they started showing up on the doorstep, ON THEIR OWN, mind you, and they just kept coming! Then one day I needed some advice and turned to the Internet, only to find that OTHER PEOPLE ACTUALLY DID THIS FULL TIME!" Heck, I had NO IDEA that you could actually start an organization and be RECOGNIZED as an animal rescuer "officially"!
E9450a Dellwood Court, Reedsburg WI US 53959 Ph:(608)253-9926
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI289.html Email: dionshelley@aol.com
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 1877 |
City=Rhinelander | Shelter |
Oneida County Humane Society
927 Thayer St, Rhinelander WI US 54501 Ph:(715)362-5533
 Cats |  Dogs |

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Richland Area Rescue helps animals in need in the Richland County area of Wisconsin. Most dogs for adoption are strays or surrenders. We hold them for 7 to 10 days to give their owners a chance to claim them. After this time they are put on this site to be adopted.
Just call us or drop us an e-mail and we'll be happy to tell you more about our available animals, give you directions, and set up a time to meet the animals. You need to make an appointment with us so that upon your arrival the animal you are interested in is still available. Please call after 5 PM on weekdays or anytime on weekends if you want to talk to us and not an answering machine.
30083 County Highway O, Richland Center WI US 53581 Ph:(608)647-8697
http://www.rarescue.com Email: kpell@mwt.net
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