Welcome to Boonville Animal Shelter. We strive to offer healthy adoptable pets for adoption. We think an adoption should be a positive experience for both the new owner and the pet. We are a city run shelter and are licensed with the state of Missouri under the ACFA (Animal Care Facility Act) program. If you met our guidelines for adoption we will do our best to help you to find a great companion pet.
525 Spring St., Boonville MO US 65233 Ph:(660)882-2335
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MO23.html Email: Ppaxton55@yahoo.com
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Vet OnSite
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It is our goal to find a loving, caring, and safe home for every animal who is brought to the shelter. Many more animals come to our shelter than we are able to adopt out in our local area. To meet our goal, Eleanor Ravens has contacted animal shelters and rescue groups in Kansas City, Des Moines, St. Louis, Warrensburg, and other areas to see if they could place our adoptees. These shelters are not as overwhelmed with new pets and can locate excellent homes for our homeless animals. All we need to do is deliver them to the shelters or rescue groups. If you can help transport dogs and puppies, please call Eleanor. We have applied for a grant that would help us to purchase an all weather trailer designed specially to transport dogs and cats to shelters. Until then, even one trip will enable us to find good home for dogs and cats placed in our care.
29205 Highway 11 South P.O.Box 66, Brookfield MO US 64628 Ph:(660)258-3322
http://www.linncountyhumanesociety.org Email: jma64658@hotmail.com
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Org # 8761 |
City=BUFFALO | Shelter |
Buffalo Animal Shelter
PO Box 410 380, BUFFALO MO US 65622 Ph:(417)345-2701
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Our business hours are 8-5pm, Monday through Friday. We are so fortunate to be a "no-kill" City Pound due to the committed efforts of our staff to offer and increase adoptions, along with the "much appreciated rescue groups" who help us with our canine/feline residents. Please contact us; adoptions are vital to our success.
North Hwy 65 PO Box 410, Buffalo MO US 65622 Ph:(417)345-5048
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MO190.html Email: buffaloaco@yahoo.com
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We are a strictly no-kill nonprofit corporation who is striving to help needy and homeless animals, while encouraging spaying and neutering of your pets. We have an FIV positive wing at our shelter as well as a FELV wing, where these special kitties can live out their lives until and if they are adopted into a loving home. We also offer sanctuary for those animals that never do get adopted-we love them just the same! We also take back (we require it) any animals adopted that don't work out-no matter how long ago they were adopted. Our
PO Box 257, Buffalo MO US 65622 Ph:(417)345-5002
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO123.html Email: adoptallcreatures@lycos.com
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Special Need Animals
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Click here to see our dogs who are looking for homes.
Don't let our remote location stop you. We make frequent trips to St. Louis and Jeff City and we can easiliy arrange a ride to Kansas City. If you live in Missouri, we will meet you half way. If you live in an adjoining state, we will find a place to rendevous. We are committed to finding the right dog for you and finding the right home for our rescued dogs. Our 25 - 40 dogs live in a family setting...they are inside/outside dogs who watch TV with us and curl up in mass under the kitchen table. They meet new people every weekend because we are also a retreat center. If you adopt one of our dogs and a seemingly perfect match isn't so perfect after all, your dog will be welcome back at the Grove.
PO Box 14, Bunker MO US 63629 Ph:(573)689-2029Fax:(573)689-2407
http://www.dianasgrove.com/index.html Email: info@dianasgrove.com
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Animal rescue, rehab and rehoming services to animals that fall outside of any municipality in Southern Missouri. We also work with some commercial breeders to offer futures to mill dogs. We have filed for our 501 Status and hope to bring spay and neutering to our area for the rural dogs.
1433 Cessna Rd, Cabool MO US 65689 Ph:(417)830-5431Fax:(417)962-1697
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO401.html Email: OzarkHavenRescue@yahoo.com Email2: Kristinawak@yahoo.com
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Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
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Safehaven Animal Rescue was founded in October 1999. We help adopt animals from the Cameron Animal Shelter as well as help animals in the surrounding counties where there are no shelters, and animals are left to fend for themselves. We also work closely with other rescue groups and larger shelters. Safehaven is just a few people trying to make a big difference in the treatment of animals.
521 Elm Street, Cameron MO US Ph:(816)632-2177
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO170.html Email: kdreesen@hotmail.com
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Special Need Animals

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Our mission is to provide shelter and care for animals in need and advocate the humane treatment of all animals. Another major part of our mission is to encourage spaying & neutering to decrease overpopulation of domestic animals. Our mission also includes providing programs and services that enhance the bond between animals and people.
2536 Boutin Drive, Cape Girardeau MO US 63701 Ph:(573)334-5837Fax:(573)334-4039
http://search.petfinder.com/shelterSearch/shelterSearch.cgi?animal=&breed=&age=& Email: director@semopets.org Email2: coordinator@semopets.org
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Spare Cat Rescue was founded by several friends who have spent their lifetimes rescuing cats from the streets and from local shelters with the sole intention of helping them find a new loving home.
, Carthage MO US Ph:(417)358-6808
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO310.html Email: kcole@ecarthage.com Email2: sparecatrescue@yahoo.com
 Cats |
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