We are a group of dedicated volunteers devoted to providing programs and services for the animals and people of our community.
• We are a nonprofit organization, funded entirely through donations from people like you. Donations are tax deductible.
• Although our group is licensed by the State of Iowa as an animal shelter, we do not operate an animal sheltering facility. Instead, we recruit foster caregivers who take companion animals into their private homes until permanent homes are found.
• We work collaboratively with groups in our area.
• We actively serve as animal advocates by providing appropriate services for animals in conditions of need, and as appropriate, for their companion humans.
• We support just laws for the protection of animals in cooperation with the appropriate authorities.
Po Box 2775, Iowa City IA US 52244 Ph:(319)338-3357
http://www.johnsoncountyhumane.org Email: jchs@johnsoncountyhumane.org Email2: janet@johnsoncountyhumane.org
Cats |
No-Kill Special Need Animals
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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Org # 372 |
City=IOWA CITY | Advocacy |
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund University of Iowa
College of Law Melrose & Byington, IOWA CITY IA US 52242
Email: leana-stormont@uiowa.edu
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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Org # 414 |
City=JEFFERSON | Advocacy |
Greene County Humane Society
807 W. Washington, JEFFERSON IA US 50129
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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Org # 383 |
City=JEFFERSON | Shelter |
PO Box 135, JEFFERSON IA US 50129 Ph:(515)386-9814
http://www.wccta.net/gallery/paws Email: marpaws@netins.net
Cats | Dogs |
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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PO Box 367 548 Main Street, Jewell IA US 50130 Ph:(515)827-5700
http://www.JewellAnimalHospital.petfinder.com Email: Immydog@msn.com
Cats | Dogs | Birds | Reptiles | Rabbits | Rodents | Ferrets |
Special Need Animals Vet OnSite Facility
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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PO Box 354 548 Main Street, Jewell IA US 50130 Ph:(515)827-5700
http://www.SHAA.petfinder.com Email: Immydog@msn.com
Cats | Dogs | Birds | Reptiles | Rabbits | Rodents | Ferrets |
Non-Profit Special Need Animals Vet OnSite Facility
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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Org # 11439 |
City=Keokuk | Shelter |
Keokuk Animal Services
City animal control and sheltering facility.
249 Carbide Lane Po Box 1147, Keokuk IA US 52632 Ph:(319)526-5421Fax:(319)526-5421
Email: keoanimal57@yahoo.com Email2: keoaniml@interlinklc.net
Cats | Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets Gov't run Facility
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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Org # 395 |
City=KEOKUK | Animal Control |
Keokuk Humane Society & Keokuk Animal Services
1222 Johnson Street, KEOKUK IA US 52632 Ph:(319)524-3816
Cats | Dogs |
Average Rating: N/A (1 Feedbacks) View Feedback [Submit Feedback]
Org # 393 |
City=KNOXVILLE | Advocacy |
Knoxville Humane Society
1293 160th Avenue, KNOXVILLE IA US 50138 Ph:(515)828-7387
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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Org # 390 |
City=LAKE PARK | Advocacy | FosterHomes |
Minnkota Persian Rescue, Minnesota/Dakotas - Midwest
1765 110th Avenue, LAKE PARK IA US 51347 Ph:(701)280-0055
Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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