13860 Dog Kennel Lane, Carthhage MO US 64836 Ph:(417)358-6402
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MO80.html Email: humane@4state.com
 Dogs |
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Forest Ridge Rescue House is ( technically) a purebred dog rescue that was established in 1987 (although we do have our share of multi-cultural backrounded dogs who find their way here..).I started this rescue when I was working as a Vet Tech and then later as an Asst. Groomer and while I was showing dogs because the sheer number of dogs needing assistance in this area is in a word..overwhelming. Our rescue is in Neosho , Mo which is located in Southwest Missouri.
10783 Norfolk Lane, Neosho MO US 64850 Ph:(417)451-5978
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO312.html Email: frrescuehouse@prodigy.net
 Dogs |
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Org # 616 |
Zip=65020 | Shelter |
Dogwood Animal Shelter is a private, non profit (501C), "no-kill" facility serving a tri-county area. The Shelter is funded entirely by sales at the Dogwood Thrift Shop , Membership/Donations, and adoption fees.
1075 Runabout Drive, Osage Beach MO US 65020 Ph:(573)348-4411
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MO121.html Email: dogwoodanimalshelter@charter.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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We are a group of five women who have a lifetime of caring for and loving all creatures on our planet. In October of 1999, our deep concern inspired us to form Blue Moon Sanctuary, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation.
We are small, but we are firmly committed to helping homeless, abused or abandoned dogs and cats through contributions and your donated efforts. Permanent homes will be found with pre-approved, caring individuals in return for a modest donation to our organization. Residents that are not now, or may never be deemed adoptable will be provided a loving, permanent home here at our Sanctuary.
PO Box 294, Linn Creek MO US 65052 Ph:(573)317-9385
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/bluemoonsanctuary.html Email: bluemoon@zigs.net.
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The Callaway Hills Animal Shelter is located in New Bloomfield, Missouri, about 8 miles north of Jefferson City. Please call or e-mail us for directions to our facility. Our hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:00 - 3:00 and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 3:00.
PO Box 35, New Bloomfield MO US 65063 Ph:(573)237-3721
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO133.html Email: callawayhills@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Dogwood Animal Shelter is a private, non profit (501C), "no-kill" facility serving a tri-county area. The Shelter is funded entirely by sales at the Dogwood Thrift Shop , Membership/Donations, and adoption fees. Those adoption fees are: Canines - $65.00 - includes vaccinations, spay/neuter & microchip. Felines - $55.00 - includes vaccinations & spay/neuter. Dogwood Animal Shelter provides to the community a low cost spay & neuter program, as well as a free educational program designed to promote empathy, humane treatment, and responsible pet ownership. We were established and incorporated in 1976. Our new 17,000,00 sq. ft. facility was built in 2005 and houses approximately 200 cats and dogs.
1075 Runabout Dr., Osage Beach MO US 65065 Ph:(573)348-4411
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO121.html Email: dogwoodshelter@charterinternet.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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We are animal control for the City of Stover, Missouri. We pick and and hold stray animals within the City limits. They are held for five days for their owner to claim and are then put up for adoption. Pictures are posted at City Hall and in the newspaper.
16281 Ash Road, Stover MO US 65078 Ph:(660)723-3178
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO334.html Email: cweigel@stovermo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The purpose and mission of Animal Orphanage, Inc is to provide temporary shelter and care: emotionally, medically and physically for homeless or lost animals. This care will include giving each and every animal an opportunity to be adopted into a loving and responsible home.
18081 Hwy W PO Box 411, Versailles MO US 65084 Ph:(573)378-2275
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MO140.html Email: nicepets@versailles-mo.net
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 632 |
Zip=65201 | FosterHomes |
Happy Tails Animal Sanctuary does not operate a permanent facility. All animals are in foster care and are shown by appointment only.
Happy Tails Animal Sanctuary (HTAS) is a private, non-profit, tax-exempt, no-kill, animal welfare corporation made up entirely by volunteers. We are dedicated to rehabilitating, caring for and finding permanent placements for abused, neglected and unwanted animals in danger of being euthanized. We have been helping animals since 1998.
5900 South Rangeline Road, Columbia MO US 65201 Ph:(573)445-1680
http://www.htsanctuary.com Email: info@htsanctuary.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Serendipity German Shepherd Dog Rescue (SGSD Rescue for short) is a small group of devoted, unpaid volunteers. Our goal is to assist in the rescue and placement of stray, abused, neglected, unwanted, and/or abandoned German Shepherd Dogs no matter their age, color, or background.
503 E. Nifong Blvd, #278, Columbia MO US 65201 Ph:(573)673-2720
http://www.sgsdrescue.com/index.htm Email: info@sgsdrescue.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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