We've been around officially for two years. We have a shelter in Saginaw County but our office is at the Flint address. We are primarily a dog rescue although we've placed birds and rabbits once or twice. We are an all-breed rescue. We specialize in big, black dogs, and mixed breeds because they are the last to get adopted but we love them all. We are presently self-funded so we could use any help we can get, especially need volunteers. We are a non-profit rescue and have begun the process for getting out 501c3 non-profit license.
1621 Crescent Drive, Flint MI US 48503 Ph:(810)252-1988
http://www.kirbysfriends.com Email: Christine@KirbysFriends.com Email2: Chanel227@yahoo.com
 Dogs |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Ferrets |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Org # 5216 |
Zip=48504 | Animal Control |
Genesee County Animal Control
G 4351 W. Pasadena Ave., Flint MI US 48504 Ph:(810)732-1660
Email: wbarber@co-genesee.mi.us
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Michigan Samoyed Rescue has been in existence for over nine years. We are dedicated to the protection and betterment of our beloved breed
PO Box 90714, Burton MI US 48509 Ph:(810)736-4898
http://www.michigansamoyedrescue.org Email: Rich@michigansamoyedrescue.org
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Org # 3800 |
Zip=48509 | Shelter |
Companion Cat Adoption Agency
Genesco County
, Flint MI US 48509 Ph:(810)767-9177
Email: comcats@aol.com
 Cats |
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To provide shelter and adoption of companion animals, reduce overpopulation, extend humane education, prevent cruelty, and provide those services that promote its goals and policies.
3325 S Dort Hwy, Burton MI US 48519 Ph:(810)744-0511
http://www.geneseehumane.org Email: Contact@GeneseeHumane.org
 Cats |  Dogs |

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We first opened our doors to rescue in January of 2004 and we have taken in over 200 ferrets. Who would have thought that there would be such a need in my area! We have had so many come in that have touched our hearts dearly! We started to do Ferret Education Day at our local pet store (thank you Dee and Cathy for helping us get started) and have since developed a wonderful working relationship with the store employees. We have met a lot of wonderful ferret owners and have helped a lot of new ferret owners. We enjoy educating the public about these awesome little fur balls!!
, Flint MI US 48532 Ph:(810)732-1396
http://www.miferretrescue.org Email: miferretrescue@sbcglobal.net
 Ferrets |
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he Saginaw County Animal Care Department has primary responsibility for enforcement of state and county animal control laws. It has custodial charge of lost or strayed animals in the county and is responsible for euthanization, reclamation, or adoption of said animals.
1312 Gratiot Rd., Saginaw MI US 48602 Ph:(989)797-4500
http://www.thepetscorner.com/scacc/ Email: mwachner@saginawcounty.com
 Cats |  Dogs |

Average Rating: 4.0     (1 Feedbacks) View Feedback [Submit Feedback]
, Saginaw MI US 48602 Ph:(989)771-2990
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI476.html Email: sarah@coverattery.com
 Rodents |
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Org # 5973 |
Zip=48606 | Shelter |
Humane Society of Saginaw County
123 S. Niagara Street, Saginaw MI US 48606 Ph:(517)797-2482
 Cats |  Dogs |
Average Rating: N/A No Feedback
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The main purpose of organization promoting the rescue and placement of homeless animals in our local communities and the State of Michigan. We do not currently have an official shelter to house rescued animals and depend on volunteer Pet Foster Care Givers in their residential homes. The more Foster Care Givers we have, the more lives we can help and save. . Our priority is the animals we rescue. We recognize that these little lives deserve our understanding, compassion and care before all else and we strive to make sure that each rescued pet gets that second chance to live a happy life in a loving and healthy environment. But we do so much more...
PO Box 684, Gladwin MI US 48624
http://www.heartofmichiganrescue.com Email: EngelLover@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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