Feline Friends is established as a licensed, non-profit corporation. We are staffed strictly by dedicated volunteers, offering alternatives to the ever growing number of abandoned, neglected, and unwanted cats and kittens that are ultimately euthanized every year. To achieve our goals, we have developed two strategies: Overpopulation prevention and animal rescue. First, we will use sterilization as the long term solution to animal over population, and try to eliminate euthanasia as a form of over population control. Second, we will offer our assistance in the rescue of abandoned, neglected, and unwanted cats and kittens as our daily activities, or short-term solution.
PO Box 1568, Warren MI US 48090 Ph:(586)438-8000
http://www.members.petfinder.org/~MI291/index.html Email: felinefriends@comcast.net
 Cats |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 5293 |
Zip=48092 | Rescue |
Universal Animal Rescue
28764 Dequindre Rd., Warren MI US 48092 Ph:(586)574-0577
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Tiny Paws Rescue Sanctuary is a small scale, privately run animal rescue. We predominantly handle pocket pets, such as mice, hamsters, degus and the occasional rabbit, guinea pig or other small animal that happens to come into our care.
, Warren MI US 48093 Ph:(248)988-0993
http://www.tinypaws.org Email: info@tinypaws.org
 Rodents |  Ferrets |
Special Need Animals
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We are a small rescue group in Southeastern Michigan dedicated to helping our 4 legged friends find great and loving homes.
, Warren MI US 48093 Ph:(586)306-9714
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI513.html Email: jessd797@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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We are a network of volunteer foster homes working with major pet store chains to encourage adoption instead of breeding.
11081 Racine, Warren MI US 48093 Ph:(586)574-9668Fax:(866)499-2910
http://www.tinypaws.org Email: info@tinypaws.org Email2: tprescue@comcast.net
 Rabbits |  Rodents |
Special Need Animals
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We are in need of foster parents for our dogs!! If you have room in your heart and home to care for a dog for a short time until it is adopted, please fill out the online application and put "FOSTER PARENT" in the dog description line. We provide food for the dogs and all vet care. You will need to transport the dog to the adoption shows. You are not required to stay during the show.
PO Box 702, Washington MI US 48095
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI405.html Email: sandysk9angelrescue@comcast.net
 Dogs |
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We are a group of volunteer's who along with other rescue's seek to save, foster and adopt out lifetime companions. We do not have a shelter, all our dogs are in foster homes. This allows us to check the dogs behavior and personality. The hope is that we can match each "angel" with the right family. We are a non-profit 501c3 organization!! This makes it possible for any donation to be tax deductible to you! You may donate cash, food and other dog related items. E-mail us if you would like us to pick items up. Monetary donations can be mailed to our address below or made in person at one of the shows. We also offer the PayPal option, simply use the button below and follow the directions.
PO Box 702, Washington MI US 48095
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI405.html Email: sandysk9angelrescue@comcast.net
 Dogs |
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We have rescued animals over the past 14+ years and are staffed strictly by volunteers. Our high degree of commitment to our animals, and our long established high reputation have been recognized by local veterinarians, shelters, and through articles in most local newspapers and each of the local news stations. All funds received through adoptions or donations are used to directly support and rescue homeless pets. We believe that whether you are a veterinarian, business, organization, school or an individual, you can assist us in helping animals in need!
PO Box 99313, Troy MI US 48099 Ph:(248)680-1426
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI177.html Email: topdogrescue777@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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OUR SHELTER IS VERY SMALL AND OUR ANIMALS HAVE A VERY LIMITED TIME. This is why they are listed as URGENT. We are doing everything we can to keep them as long as possible.
16850 Southfield Rd, Allen Park MI US 48101 Ph:(313)928-4608
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI287.html Email: apanimalshelter@yahoo.com
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Shelter to Home, Inc. is an animal rescue organization that works to save impounded animals in the Downriver Area of Metro-Detroit by placing them into a home foster care setting until permanent and loving homes can be found.
PO Box 127, Allen Park MI US 48101
http://www.sheltertohome.com Email: info@sheltertohome.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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