We are an emergency animal hospital that takes in strays that are injured and dropped off by local animal control or abandoned by their owners
25780 Miles Rd, Bedford Heights OH US 44140 Ph:(216)464-2298
http://west.petfinder.com/shelters/OH603.html Email: ttornado478@aim.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
Vet OnSite
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We are a nonprofit (non-501C3) parrot rescue and rehoming agency located in Brecksville, Ohio. A-Parrot Rescue accepts most healthy unwanted small pet birds and parrots. We do not get in baby parrots. Rescues will have older birds. An email interview starts the adoption process. A-Parrot to A-Flamingo screens all applicants and reserves the right to approve or not approve an application. Our website explains our adoption policies. We prefer emailing. No texting. Our phone number is available upon request.
Po Box 41414, Brecksville OH US 44141
http://aparrottoaflamingorescueinc.zoomshare.com Email: aparrottoaflamingo@danworld.com Email2: aparrottoaflamingo@danworld.com
 Birds |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Who we are: A group of volunteers who perform many vital functions in order to rescue dogs. Our primary focus is to rescue abandoned, homeless dogs from the city streets. We then take care of all their vets needs and find them new loving families.
, South Euclid OH US 44143
http://west.petfinder.com/shelters/OH585.html Email: saverdogsohio@bigfoot.com
 Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Our Mission
Brooklyn Animal Shelter, Inc. has been organized for the purpose of raising funds to promote the following objectives:
1. To encourage responsible pet ownership by educating the public on the importance of spaying or neutering to control animal over-population.
2. To increase public awareness of the proper care of companion animals.
3. To assist in providing a safe, clean, comfortable environment for lost, abandoned and stray animals.
4. To reunite owners and lost pets.
5. To promote adoption of homeless animals.
10218 Micka Drive, BROOKLYN OH US 44144 Ph:(216)749-4893
http://www.brooklynshelter.org Email: webmaster@brooklynshelter.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
$Donate to this Organization here$
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"Monny L Blevins All Breed Animal Rescue" is an independent non-profit organization founded by Lisa Blevins in April of 2007. With a passion and love for animals instilled at a very young age by her mother; Lisa has begun this journey in memory of her Mother to help stop the flow of the thousands of animals that are euthanized in kill shelters every year. Lisa looks to give these animals a "Second Chance" at life, so that they may find there way into a caring, loving home
8786 Cherrywood, Streetsboro OH US 44241 Ph:(440)212-1421
http://www.paws4thecauserescue.com Email: STUTZZ15@AOL.COM
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Special Need Animals
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We are NOT A SHELTER with a single physical location. Instead, we are a NATIONAL network of volunteers working to help re-home Cairns in need.
We began as a small internet community of people trying to help one of their members through the heartache of losing a little Cairn named Col. Potter. In the weeks that followed that simple process of showing care and support, a national Cairn terrier rescue was born. It filled a void to serve a wonderful, randomly protected, and sometimes misunderstood breed. Cairns can have every kind of personality, from laid back to intensely lively; most fall somewhere in between.
Our rescue attracts caring foster homes who will provide guidance and love; sometimes for the first time in a rescued Cairns life. Our foster homes also provide an honest, realistic evaluation of each Cairns personality, so an approved applicant can expect to be matched with a Cairn whose traits and behaviors fit their lifestyle.
At present, Col. Potter has just under 200 foster homes all over the United States.
, Medina OH US 44256
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OH258.html Email: Cairnrescuecpcrn@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
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We currently work with - Pitt Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Cane Corsos, Dogo Argentino's, Mastiffs, Dobermans.Dedicated to re-homing unwanted and abandoned dogs into permanent homes.
927 E. Washington St, Medina OH US 44256 Ph:(330)421-9836
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH489.html Email: lhudson@zoominternet.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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We take in dogs who have been abandoned, sick or injured, most of which come from high kill shelters. We also take in dogs whose owners no longer want them. We are a small group and work strictly on a volunteer basis but we all have one thing in common . . . . . we love dogs!
4939 John Thomas Rd., Ravenna OH US 44266 Ph:(330)289-9993
http://www.A1K9rescue.com Email: creagan1@neo.rr.com
 Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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organization that rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes abused, abandoned and neglected farm animals such as horses, ponies, pigs, hogs, chickens, ducks, sheep, goats, and cattle. We do not handle domestic animals such as dogs, cats or rabbits. Also, we do not take in owner turn ins--it is the owner's responsibility to find their pet a new home if they no longer want to keep it.
5623 New Milford Rd, Ravenna OH US 44266 Ph:(330)296-5914
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH649.html Email: mbittence@bakerlaw.com
Special Need Animals
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We are a group of volunteers dedicated to helping shelties in Northern Ohio.
, Ravenna OH US 44266
http://www.neossr.org Email: augustpch@aol.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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