Hi, I'm Carise. I decided on a whim to start ForCHINate Chins in January of 2003 because of a post I saw on the Freecycle website. The post stated: Offer: Chinchilla with cage, so I got excited and opened it, I thought my boys would love a new friend! When I opened the email, it read, I am sick of taking care of it! I replied to the man via email, and waited for a response. That afternoon he called me on my cell phone and told me that he had already given the chin away to the first response. I asked if they knew anything about chins, and he said he didn't care, and that he just wanted the thing out of his house. I was heartbroken for the chin, as this could mean his death if the new owner didn't do any research about chins, so I thought that if I couldn't help that chin, that I could help others!! The Chincessories store soon followed
, Parma OH US 44129 Ph:(440)623-6480
http://www.geocities.com/forchinatechins/ Email: forchinatechins@yahoo.com
 Rodents |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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The Parma Animal Shelter is run by volunteers for the stray and abandoned animals of the City of Parma.
6260 State Road, Parma OH US 44134 Ph:(440)885-8014
Special Need Animals
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Caleb's Canine Rescue, Inc. is located in Parma (Cleveland), Ohio and our rescued dogs are fostered not only in Parma, but also in private homes in Akron, Painesville, Cleveland, & Berea. Although there are many dogs in dire need of help, our efforts are LIMITED to Beagles and Border Collies which we rescue from "kill" shelters. So far, every dog we have rescued was only one day away from euthanization. This means that we do not take owner surrenders
, Parma OH US 44134 Ph:(440)842-5852
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Florida Basset Rescue Inc. is a strictly volunteer Organization. We have united together to help the Bassets in the state of Florida who have been abused, neglected and thrown away by their previous owners. To be there to assist the shelters who have a basset that is special needs or run out of time. Then to evaluate, vet and to get these bassets ready for a new forever adoptive home that best suits their needs.
6305 Jim Davis Rd, Parrish FL US 34219 Ph:(941)776-5110
http://www.floridabassetrescue.com Email: flbassetrescue@aol.com
 Dogs |
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Org # 8454 |
City=Parrish | Other | Rescue |
Fur Ever Sanctuary, Inc.
Our sanctuary is a home for life for animals that would have been put down if we had not taken them in. We accept old,sick,terminaly ill, disabled, ones that need daily medical care,abused,negleted or any reason that would have made them undisireable, and would have no hope except us.
We are a non-profit and only get help from donations.We only accept animals that are requested by authorities for us to take. Example..... Animal control, sheriffs dept, vets, rescue groups, shelters or individuals that have exhausted all other resourses and their animal has no other hope.
We do not adopt out any of the animals that come here. This is their for ever home, they never have to move again.
14001 US HWY 301 North, Parrish FL US 34219 Ph:(813)244-7294
Email: fureversanctuary@aol.com Email2: daisytm@aol.com
 Cats |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Horses |  Primates |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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Org # 11236 |
City=Parrish | Shelter |
Fur Ever Sanctuary, Inc.
We are a Non-Profit 501-C3 organization.Dedicated to giving animals that would other wise be euthanized a for ever home.
We do not accept "adoptable" animals, these need to be in a regular shelter, so as to find there own home and family's. Some of our animals are dying, have diseases, medical problems that require daily medicine and care,handicapped, old and feeble or with behavior problems that make them undesirable as pets.
We are all volunteers, no one is paid. All the donations go directly for the care and comfort of the animals. We appreciate any donations.
14001 US HWY 301 North, Parrish FL US 34219 Ph:(941)776-3445
Email: fureversanctuary@aol.com Email2: daisytm@aol.com
 Cats |  Birds |  Rabbits |  Horses |  Livestock |
Special Need Animals
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The SOS (Save Our Snoopies) Beagle Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the lives of beagles by sheltering homeless or abandoned dogs and adopting them to loving homes.
, Parrotsville TN US Ph:(856)336-2520
http://www.sosbeagles.org Email: TN@sosbeagles.org
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Org # 8262 |
City=Parsippany | Shelter |
Forgotten Pets
PO Box 42, Parsippany NJ US 07054 Ph:(973)299-9112
Email: whatabowow@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The Tucker County Animal Shelter is located on Fork Mountain near Parsons, WV
Please call the shelter for directions
215 First Street, Parson WV US 26287 Ph:(304)478-4969
http://members.petfinder.com/~WV56/index.htm Email: billandcathy@citlink.net
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Org # 7440 |
City=Parsons | FosterHomes | Rescue |
Decatur County Humane Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
PO Box 514, Parsons TN US 38363 Ph:(731)847-9914
Email: babe41@tds.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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