Our dream is to have our own shelter where pets, who need people, can be safe, warm and loved until their person comes to adopt them. A place where we can educate people on animal welfare and the urgent need for spaying and neutering. As we struggle to change attitudes in our county we also want to save as many "adoptable" pets as possible. We are doing this through foster homes as we continue to grow our "building fund" (through donations) to a point where we can get a shelter.
PO Box 235, Mt. Gilead OH US 43338
http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=6668366 Email: wguy@columbus.rr.com
 Dogs |
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Agape Animal Rescue is a non-profit, 501c3 organization made up of foster parents who love and care for our animals in a home environment until they are adopted. Agape is devoted to finding a forever home for each of our dogs and cats and matching the right home with the right animal.
Po Box 1647, Mt. Juliet TN US 37121 Ph:(615)406-7799
http://www.agaperescue.org Email: tanya@agaperescue.org Email2: chris@agaperescue.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Special Need Animals
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Org # 5212 |
City=Mt. Morris | Rescue |
5470 W. Mt. Morris Rd., Mt. Morris MI US 48458 Ph:(810)686-5907
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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1105 S. Isabella Rd., Mt. Pleasant MI US 48858 Ph:(989)773-9721
http://www.isabellacounty.org/Dept/Animal/animalmain.html Email: adopt-a-pet@earthlink.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 913 |
City=Mt. Pleasant | Advocacy |
Humane Animal Treatment Society's started in 1999 with a mission to assist the Isabella County Animal Shelter; to increase, through educational and adoption programs, the number of concerned and responsible animal owners; to decrease the number of abused and unwanted animals; and to raise people's awareness of the humane treatment of those animals which are unable to take care of themselves.
PO Box 732, Mt. Pleasant MI US 48804 Ph:(989)775-0830
http://www.hatsweb.org Email: csmallwo@edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu Email2: admin@hatsweb.org

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Sled Dog Sanctuary is a family run Non Profit Corporation devoted to the care and welfare of unwanted and abandoned Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes. We consist entirely of volunteers. We provide foster care and medical treatment to these dogs while screening potential homes. Our goal is to match these dogs with the “right� family, and place them into loving, forever homes. We strive to educate people about these wonderful, yet sometimes misunderstood breeds.
RR2 Box 218, Mt. Pleasant Mills PA US 17853 Ph:(717)444-3369
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA357.html Email: sleddogsanctuary@earthlink.net
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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Org # 756 |
City=Mt. Prospect | FosterHomes |
We provide a safe refuge and a second chance for unclaimed animals from various municipal pounds and, space permitting, we accept other homeless, neglected or injured animals from their rescuers.
Adopt-A-Pet is a "shelter without walls" - we do not own a shelter facility. All of our animals are boarded at cooperating animal hospitals or in volunteer foster homes until they are adopted by their new families. Animals remain with us for as long as it takes to find them a suitable permanent new home.
Because we do not have a facility to warehouse unadoptable animals (based on age, health or temperament), Adopt-A-Pet is only able to take in adoptable pets. We strive to make sure that all of our animals will make suitable family pets.
PO Box 408, Mt. Prospect IL US 60056 Ph:(847)870-8999
http://www.adoptapet-il.org Email: Info@adoptapet-il.org
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The Humane Society has a staff of 9 employees. Each one demonstrates a deep compassion for animals. We are currently under new management and in the process of implementing some new programs as well as reconstructing our Volunteer Program
Please come and meet us.
1208 N. Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mt. Shasta CA US 96067 Ph:(530)926-4052
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA150.html Email: sishumane@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |

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P O Box 106, Mt. Sinai NY US 11766 Ph:(631)981-6367
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/NY448.html Email: dawnmreilly@aol.com
 Cats |
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The Knox County Humane Society is a non-profit, tax exempt, volunteer organization serving Knox County, Ohio for the benefit of animals and their caretakers.
400 Columbus Rd, Mt. Vernon OH US 43223 Ph:(740)392-2287
http://www.KnoxHumaneSociety.org Email: humane@core.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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