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Animal Shelters in Union Lake All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Elizabeth Lake Animal Rescue is a small, private, non-euthanasia rescue (exceptions listed below) in the Waterford/Union Lake area. The organization was founded in May 1994, but some of our rescuers have been making similar efforts for more than 15 years. We are run strictly by volunteers and donations, which are tax-deductible, and receipts are issued upon request. Exceptions: 1) Animal tests positive for Feline Leukemia, Feline Infectious Peritonitis, or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. 2) The animal is diagnosed with any other life-threatening, contagious disease. 3) The animal is severely injured and deemed "beyond repair" by our veterinarian. We concentrate on the rescue and rehabilitation of stray and feral cats and kittens as well as providing assistance (when space is available) in the placing of cats deemed unwanted and/or disposable by their previous owner(s). Additionally, we pride ourselves on being one of the few rescues that takes the time to bottle-feed and raise orphan kittens whenever possible. We also take in seriously injured cats for medical treatment, rehabilitation and placement into homes.
PO Box 126, Union Lake MI US 48387 Ph: 2486829649
http://elar.www1.50megs.com Email: elarmom1@aol.com
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In the Dogs' House Animal Rescue is a not - for -profit organization devoted to finding permanent, loving and caring homes, for homeless dogs. We consist of dedicated volunteers, who care for and foster these dogs in their own homes, in an attempt to ready them for life with a new family. We give one on one attention to all our animals. We network with other organizations to make sure that families find the right dog for their lifestyle. It is our strong belief that as long as you choose to adopt a rescued dog it does not matter what organization it comes from as long as it is SAVED!
Our goal is to make sure that someday every dog will have a "LIFETIME" home!
PO Box 172, Union Lake MI US 48387
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI400.html Email: Inthedogshouse@sbcglobal.net
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