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Animal Shelters in Taylorsville All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Dog adoption and cat adoption
saves lives. Adopt a dog or
adopt a cat and you'll have
a friend for life!
PO BOX.1293, Taylorsville NC US 28681 Ph: 8286350770
http://www.1-800-save-a-pet.com/shelterpages/20604.html Email: jenni@aaal.us
 Cats |  Dogs |
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The Alexander County Animal Control Department is responsible for enforcing all State and County laws, ordinances, and resolutions relating to the care, custody, and control of domesticated dogs and cats. The responsibilities also include the enforcement of the laws of the State with regard to animals and especially with regard to vaccination of animals against rabies and the confinement or controlling of dangerous animals and dogs and investigating violations and complaints. Animal Control also investigates animal bites and cruelty or abuse cases in regard to all animals, canvasses Alexander County for the purpose of ascertaining that all animals are vaccinated against rabies as required by local ordinance and State statute. Alexander County also operates the County Animal Shelter pursuant to policies of the Board of County Commissioners.
116 Waggin Trail 322 First Ave Southwest, Taylorsville NC US 28681 Ph: 8286321199Fax: 8286324658
http://www.co.alexander.nc.us/Animal%20Control/Animal%20Control.htm Email: cchurch@co.alexander.nc.us
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Mutts-R-Us Pet Rescue
***Warning: See feedback***
Mutts-R-Us Pet Rescue was founded in February, 2004 and is based in Northwestern North Carolina.
7647 Paul Payne Store Rd, Taylorsville NC US 28681 Ph: 7045856115
Email: MuttsAreUs@aol.com
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NorCal Equine Rescue (NER) is a non profit 501(c)(3) equine (Horses, ponies, donkeys, mule, and other members of the equine family) rescue located in Northern California. NorCal Equine Rescue's main goal is to rescue, protect, and then adopt into loving homes equines of any need level
PO Box 258, Taylorsville CA US 95983 Ph: 5302846522
http://www.norcalequinerescue.com Email: president@savethehorse.com Email2: mailing@savethehorse.com
 Horses |
Specific-Breed ONLY
$Donate to this Organization here$
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