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Animal Shelters in Palmer All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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1200 North 49th State Street, Palmer AK US 99645 Ph: 9077465500
http://www.co.mat-su.ak.us/PublicSafety/animalcontrol.cfm Email: animal.care@matsugov.us
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We at The Pet List feel that pets are best suited to be adoptable when kept in a home environment, not a shelter. Therefore all of our animals are fostered in homes with other pets, children or other situations. Ask us about a pet that you are interested in to see how he or she has reacted to the foster environment. This tells us a great deal about how to place the animal for everyone's benefit.
PO Box 636, Palmer TX US 75152 Ph: 9728422813
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/TX479.html Email: petlist1@yahoo.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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STOP the Overpopulation of Pets is dedicated to paying for spaying and neutering of dogs and cats in order to eliminate the killing of healthy, adoptable pets at Alaska’s animal control centers. Our secondary mission is to educate pet owners and potential pet owners about pet care, pet-related issues, training, pet overpopulation, and other concerns in order to better the lives of pet owners, pets, and the community.
PO Box 4083, Palmer AK US 99645 Ph: 9077467729
http://www.alaskastop.org Email: petnews@alaskastop.org
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