We are a small rescue who specializes in the Boxer breed, but we also have access to other breeds too through our rescue contacts. We work with other reputable rescues to find homes for unwanted or abused dogs from our area.
, Marion OH US 43302 Ph: 7403873580
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/OH324.html Email: cathysk9@yahoo.com
 Dogs |
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Org # 424 |
Advocacy | FosterHomes |
2295 12th Avenue, MARION IA US 52302 Ph: 3175781800
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IA30.html Email: brighteyes1969@earthlink.net
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We are a very small rescue group currently working on getting a non-profit status. We rescue animals, primarily from the local shelter, as often as possible. The President and Co-Founder of Gracie's H.E.A.R.T. of Gold, Kim Lane May, is also the Board President of the local humane society. At this point, all of the animals rescued through us come from this shelter based on the extreme overcrowding that continues to go on there. We are so passionate about saving as many lives as we can and appreciate all of the interest in the animals we rescue. We get extremely attached to all the "babies" we rescue and therefore may seem a bit stringent on our policies. We truly are in this to find the perfect fit and the best possible home for each animal we rescue. We often find numerous wonderful families for each animal and do our best to continue to find an animal suited for each family who expresses a desire to give one of our babies a forever home. We love to keep in touch and get wonderful updates from our adoptive families and try to visit when we can, so we can see "our babies". We have met so many wonderful and absolutely unbelievable families since 2003 when we first started doing this. So many friendships have been formed based on our mutual bond and love for the animal adopted. For each is a blessing not only for the animals, but for us. While we miss each and every animal we have adopted out, we know in our hearts they are in the best possible place they could ever be...and for that we are grateful. Thanks to all who have taken into your hearts and your homes one of our own and made them one of your own....You are our angels. You are our heros.
, Marion IN US
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN283.html Email: LOVEMELOVEMYDOGS2004@INDY.RR.COM
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Through the work of the sanctuary and its education, adoption, and spay/neuter programs, the mission of Happily Ever After is to provide both temporary and life-time care to animals and bring about a time when all companion animals born into this world will be guaranteed a quality life in a loving home.
E5714 Bork Road, Marion WI US 54950 Ph: 9206392654
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Special Need Animals
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Org # 199 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
Marion Animal Control
c/o Police Dept, Marion VA US 24354 Ph: 2767838145
 Cats |  Dogs |
Gov't run
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Marion Animal Shelter
it is the obligation of the Marion Animal Control Staff to place our animals in optimum homes.
1001 L. H. Polk, Marion AR US 72364 Ph: 8707391145
 Cats |  Dogs |
Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets
Gov't run
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The Marion Area Humane Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention and alleviation to all animals suffering. We receive no funding from the county or any other larger non-profit organizations.
2264 Richland Road, Marion OH US 43302 Ph: 7403896548
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OH70.html Email: mrnhsas@gte.net
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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2768 West Avon Ave., Marion IN US 46953 Ph: 7656641111
http://www.marionhumane.com Email: mgchs2001@yahoo.com
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The McDowell County Animal Control is an open door, municipal facility committed to protecting animals from conditions harmful to their well being, and to protecting the citizens of the community from stray, unvaccinated, and dangerous animals. We strive to promote a harmonious atmosphere between the animals and the people of our community
3751 Hwy 226 South, Marion NC US 28752 Ph: 8286526643
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ROCK Rescue was formed to rescue and help animals from the local humane society and private referrals. The rescue was originally started by one of our members that painted rocks with portraits of animals and sold them to raise money to pay for the expense of helping needy animals. That is how we came up with our rescue’s name. Later two more members joined in the group. All three of us are also members on the board of directors for the Marion/Grant County Humane Society, in Marion, Indiana.
, Marion IN US
http://www.rockrescue.petfinder.org Email: rockrescue06@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
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