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Animal Shelters in Lake Stevens All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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OldDog Haven is a very small group of people with a network of others trying to provide a loving safe home for senior dogs abandoned at this stage of their lives. Our goal is that their last years are cherished and that they die knowing they are loved, safe and at peace. Wouldn't we all wish this for our own pets, and for ourselves?
PMB A4, 621 SR9 NE, Lake Stevens WA US 98258 Ph: 3606530311
http://www.whidbey.com/mvg/OldDog/ContactUs.htm Email: olddoghaven@verizon.net
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Special Need Animals
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Our mission is to provide information about the breed and to place ridgebacks in new homes. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are not for everyone! We are committed to providing approved, qualified, permanent homes to ridgebacks and ridgeback mixes,and, on occasion, select non-ridgeback dogs. WE ARE STRICTLY A FOSTER HOME NETWORK;
, Lake Stevens WA US 98258 Ph: 4253779453
http://www.ridgebackrescue.org Email: ridgebacksrule@mindspring.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
Special Need Animals
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