We are a small, non-profit group of concerned citizens in a severely economically depressed area, with little community support for animal welfare. WE HAVE RECENTLY ACCEPTED ANOTHER BUILDING WITH CATS TO BE CARED FOR FROM LYONS FERAL CAT GUARDIANS WITH 15 CATS!! PLEASE HELP US CONTINUE THEIR CARE!!! While there are so many uwanted animals to help, we do NOT simply hand out pets. We take them into our hearts and homes and care greatly about their future. We do this because we care and want to know that the animals we help are in the best homes possible. Toward this end, we require applications, home visits and adoption fees which, (without government funding) allow us to continue this effort. Our group consists of dedicated volunteers only with NO PAID EMPLOYEES!! EVERY DONATION GOES DIRECTLY TO HELP AN ANIMAL! We are not a shelter but we do have a cat sanctuary and our dogs are housed in foster homes. WE ALWAYS NEED DONATIONS OF ANY ANIMAL ITEMS: HEARTWORM MEDS, FLEA TREATMENT, etc., AS WELL AS MONETARY DONATIONS! WE DO NOT RECEIVE GOV'T FUNDING OF ANY SORT AND RELY ONLY ON THE KINDNESS OF ANIMAL LOVERS TO HELP US CONTINUE OUR EFFORTS!
Rt. 2, Box 219C, Jasonville IN US
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/IN217.html Email: PETFRIENDSGC@aol.com
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