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Animal Shelters in Conyers All States, United States of America by Name (Page 1 of 1)
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Conyers-Rockdale Humane Society
1581 Loganville Hwy NE, Conyers GA US 30207 Ph: 7709924618
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FDGDR, Inc. is a small, in-home rescue devoted to saving the lives of purebred sporting breed dogs in Georgia.It is our mission to help rescue and rehome purebred dogs of the following breeds: Brittany, Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Curly Coated Retriever, Flat Coated Retriever, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, English Setter, Gordon Setter, Irish Setter, American Water Spaniel, Clumber Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, Field Spaniel, Irish Water Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Vizsla, Weimaraner, and Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, either by direct rescue through our own group or referral/transfer to that breed's local or national rescue.
PO Box 1034, Conyers GA US 30012 Ph: 7707857002
http://www.petfinders.org/shelters/GA245 Email: kate@gundogrescue.org
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FDGDR, Inc. is a small, in-home rescue devoted to saving the lives of purebred sporting breed dogs in Georgia. Because we understand the importance of integrating our rescued dogs into a home environment before we place them in your home, we are only able to bring in a limited number of dogs at any one time.
PO Box 1034, Conyers GA US 30012 Ph: 7707857002
http://www.gundogrescue.org Email: kate@gundogrescue.org
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Special Need Animals
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For Paws Sake is a non-profit charitable organization that operates a NO KILL cat shelter, licensed by the Georgia Department of Agriculture and a network of foster homes. The organization receives no government funding and is supported only by adoption fees and donations. The organization is run by volunteers and has no paid staff.
, Conyers GA US Ph: 7709189057
http://www.forpawssake.org Email: forpawssake@bellsouth.net
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Special Need Animals
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We are the animal care and control facility for Rockdale County. We are currently open Monday thru Friday 8AM until 5PM.
1506 Rockbridge Road, Conyers GA US 30012 Ph: 7707855927
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA399.html Email: gerri.dueringer@rockdalecounty.org
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We have recently incorporated under a new name; South by Southwest Jack Russell Terrier Rescue, Inc.; to reflect expanding needs. We are a non-profit organization. We are still affiliated with Peach State Jack Russell Terrier Club. The Peach State Jack Russell Terrier Club was founded in 1991. We are a group of fun-loving JRT owners whose purpose is to protect and promote the JRT breed by educating the public and providing fun events for members and other JRT owners.
, Conyers GA US 30012
http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/GA02.html Email: JackRescue@aol.com
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Specific-Breed ONLY
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