AARF stands for Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation. We are a local, non-profit, all volunteer organization founded in May of 1993. We help over 1000 animals each year in finding loving homes.
PO Box 15262, Richmond VA US 23227 Ph:(804)254-0800
http://www.aarf.org Email: aarfva@hotmail.com
 Dogs |
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Org # 269 |
Advocacy | FosterHomes |
Our organization, Greyhound Pets of America, is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding responsible, caring homes for Greyhounds that no longer qualify at racetracks. Our Richmond, Virginia chapter was founded in 1989, and we now have members statewide who have collectively adopted well over 500 Greyhounds.
PO Box 70811, Richmond VA US 23255 Ph:(804)527-3584
http://www.greyhoundsvirginia.com Email: gpa@greyhoundsvirginia.com
 Dogs |
Specific-Breed ONLY
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Org # 177 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
PO Box 27032, Richmond VA US 23273 Ph:(804)652-3360
 Cats |  Dogs |
Gov't run
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Org # 314 |
Shelter | Advocacy |
Richmond Animal League will be the leader in Chesterfield County in providing homeless animals with temporary housing, medical treatment, sterilization, and quality care until they are adopted to permanent, loving homes. Our commitment to no-kill will be promoted through educational programs that teach the importance of spay/neuter, responsible pet ownership, and compassion for companion animals.
11401 International Drive, Richmond VA US 23236 Ph:(804)379-0046
 Cats |  Dogs |

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The Richmond SPCA is dedicated to practicing and promoting the principle that every life is precious. As such, we are committed to the highest principles of humane care and professional treatment for injured, ill, neglected, abused or unwanted animals. We care for nearly 3,000 animals annually, and since our founding in 1891 have sheltered more than 400,000 animals and have investigated more than 100,000 incidents of animal cruelty.
2519 Hermitage Road, Richmond VA US 23220 Ph:(804)643-6785
http://www.richmondspca.org Email: theckel@richmondspca.org
 Cats |  Dogs |
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Org # 225 |
Shelter | Animal Control |
1600 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond VA US 23224 Ph:(804)646-5573
 Cats |  Dogs |
Gov't run
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Richmond Hero is a 501c 3 charitable organization that provides pet-related educational services and subsidizes low-cost spay/neuter operations for low-income families pets. Since its inception in 2002, Richmond Hero has provided hundreds of spay/neuter operations thus preventing the births of thousands of potentially homeless animals. Through our (804) 788-HERO telephone help line we answer over 200 calls a month and use the phone line to educate the public on issues pertaining to pet over-population in Virginia. Working with shelters across Virginia, Richmond Hero has helped to establish new adoption programs thus placing many abandoned pets in new loving homes. For more information please checkout our web site at www.richmondhero.com.
PO Box 7586, Richmond VA US 23231 Ph:(804)788-4376
http://www.richmondhero.com Email: info@richmondhero.com Email2: vawendyann@aol.com
 Cats |  Dogs |
Special Need Animals
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SOS is dedicated to the rescue, adoption and advocacy of pound animals statewide. SOS affiliates across Virginia rescue animals from public pounds, where they would otherwise be euthanized. SOS works to ensure humane conditions for all pound animals, including those who cannot be saved. Principle programs are: "Pen Pals"--a behavioral training partnership with the VA Dept. of Corrections; "Court Watch for Animal Cruelty Program," Humane Investigation; and "Companion In Arms," a referral service for animals of military personnel called to active duty.
2933 West Cary St, Richmond VA US 23221 Ph:(804)358-7499
http://www.saveourshelters.com Email: contact@saveourshelters.com
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Org # 72 |
Advocacy | FosterHomes | Rescue |
VA Reptile Rescue, Inc. exists to:
Act as a rescue organization for herptiles that have been injured, neglected, mistreated or are otherwise unwanted
PO Box 36338, Richmond VA US 23235 Ph:(804)272-5324Fax:(804)723-3096
http://www.vareptilerescue.org Email: info@vareptilerescue.org
 Reptiles |
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