We rescue animals from several places, most notably unclaimed animals that are scheduled for euthanasia at the city and county animal shelters. These animals are truly homeless and are spending their last days on "death row."
PO Box 773, Oakdale CA US 95361 Ph:(209)848-0773 http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA807.html Email: info@anyfelinerescue.org
Oakdale Animal Shelter is a division of the City of Oakdale Police Department in Oakdale, California. We enforce all laws relating to animals within the city limits of Oakdale. We make every attempt to return a lost animal to his/her home. Give us a call if you have lost a pet. We maintain a list of lost pets and can check it if an animal comes to the shelter. If you would like more details about adoption procedures, surrendering an animal, or checking on a lost animal, contact Jim Wilson or Tammy Sansing at 209-847-5625. If you would like more details about animals listed on our Petfinder site, please email Betsie Corwin at efcorwin@sbcglobal.net.
9800 Liberini Rd., Oakdale CA US 95361 Ph:(209)847-5625 http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA731.html Email: jwilson@ci.oakdale.ca.us Email2: efcorwin@sbcglobal.net