Our organization is comprised of ASD owners, both working and pet homes. We have joined together in an effort to help homeless and displaced Anatolians find a new lease on life.
, Prescott Valley AZ US http://NASRN.com Email: western@nasrn.com
Specific-Breed ONLY Accepts Owner Surrendered Pets Non-Profit 501(c)3 No-Kill
We are a small, independent rescue and foster group who have rescued cats for 26 years and dogs for the past 5 years. We get calls from people who have to relinquish a pet, from someone who has rescued a pet and can't keep it, and from other rescue groups who may be full at the time someone needs an animal rescued and fostered.
, Prescott Valley AZ US 86314 Ph:(928)759-0993
Email: djb22944@juno.com