The Women's Humane Society was the first animal shelter in the United States. We were founded in 1869 by Caroline Earle White. Other firsts include... ...first humane education program in the U.S. ...first low cost veterinary clinic in the U.S. ...first bird conservation program in the U.S. ...first 'Companion Pets for Seniors' program in the U.S. ...first animal hospital owned and operated by a humane society in the state of Pennsylvania ...first ambulance service for animals We balance the wisdom gained from our long history in the humane movement with staying abreast of modern day issues and trends in animal welfare towards the goal of fulfilling our mission to take a comprehensive approach to the prevention of animal abuse and neglect.
3839 Richlieu Rd. PO Box 1470, Bensalem PA US 19020 Ph:(215)750-3100
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